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Everything posted by ShockerSH

  1. Have you searched for Black screen issues? There is a lot here on that. -- https://windows10.help/search/?q=black%20screen&quick=1
  2. Yeah - USB3 is pretty good. Might even be as fast as eSata (might have to google that). I have Mac and Windows. I find that I use Mac for more non-work stuff - just surfing online... Windows is where I get my work done. Great tips tho @Dell. Thnx for sharing.
  3. I grabbed one of these today - Amazon Echo Dot. It's 20% off and I've been wanting one of them for my kitchen. I already have one for a few othe places so this will be nice. $39.99 so I grabbed two of them.
  4. $349.99.... not bad. I might just need to take a look at it. I need something for the TV room...
  5. Hi @Roger B - Welcome to the forum. Did the upgrade finish? I personally had to restart my Anniversary Update..... it sat at 99%. Same thing happened to a few users here - https://windows10.help/topic/503-ug-freezes-ay-99/?do=findComment&comment=2093 So don't give up!
  6. Awesome. What OS do you find that you use more? Windows of MacOS? I have both myself and these days, I can't say if I really have a preference anymore. So what interface is being used to connect that external drive? Is it Thunderbolt or USB or what is it?
  7. Yeah @Brian Burgess it's a great show hehhe pretty funny!
  8. Reminder @joyce ultsh, at least for now, if you are back at Windows 7 or 8, you can still do a free upgrade by following these instructions. Hope that helps.
  9. I just upgraded an old DELL (Latitude e6420) to Windows 10. It was an upgrade from Windows 7. I used the Accessibility link from @adacosta so thanks to you and @Vadim!
  10. LOL nice... yeah, that's why I have a "NO DEVICE AT THE TABLE" law.
  11. Unfortunately.... I pay for it. I was using the FREE version. I bought a 1TB drive for my parents and backed up my PC to them and their PC back to me. However, they kept turning off the external drive or the laptop (or both) and it just became a pain for me always calling them.... (sigh). So now I'm using the family edition. I pay like $50 a year or something. That said, I do backup 3 computers to my main box and then back up that main box to Crashplan since it's unlimited data, versions, deleted files. Love it.
  12. Nice - Yeah great tip. Did the users have any backup? I was using Backblaze however for awhile now I'm using Crashplan for this very reason. I love how you can be really granular on changed files/version history.
  13. it's good. Watched it a few times. Tokyo was great... Really funny.
  14. What did you do exactly? Are you upgraded then?
  15. Working! Nice. Looks like you finished. Working for me.
  16. Great point. Reminds me, when I upgraded to stopped everything running possible via WINKEY+R > Type Services.msc > Stop any 3rd party apps you don't need running. > Perform Upgrade
  17. 1 - I'm sure you already did this but, have you flashed the BIOS on the machine before or after the update to Windows 10? I ran into a lot of issues on my Lenovo until I did this. 2 - Next question - do you have any Virtual Machines on this laptop? This could also be impacting your HOST laptop ie: Do Guest VM's have Num Lock enabled? 3 - Check your BIOS. Sometimes Num Lock and Caps Lock settings can be configured in your BIOS settings on the laptop. 4 - Here's some additional data re: Num Lock and Caps Lock Lock Keys To enable NUM LOCK before a user logs on, follow these steps: Run Registry Editor. Move to: HKEY_USERS\.Default\Control Panel\Keyboard Change the value for InitialKeyboardIndicators using setting below: 0 – Turn all indicators Off (Numlock, CapsLock, ScrollLock) 1 – Turn CapsLock On 2 – Turn Numlock On 3 – Turn CapsLock and Numlock On 4 – Turn ScrollLock On 5 – Turn CapsLock and ScrollLock On 6 – Turn Numlock and ScrollLock On 7 – Turn all indicators On (Numlock, CapsLock, ScrollLock)
  18. Looks clean: https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/ae466cff474e9fd3e95a6ea56ec76cce5efd8e79099665c54a900a5eb36d2bca/analysis/1470278813/ Just installed and running great. Awesome @Steve K.!
  19. Lastpass..... yeah.... not a fan. OK. Good to know. Will check out the family version.
  20. Well, from what I can read, there is no great option for 1Password on a Chromebook. They have an option https://1password.com/families/ however I don't like that option... Subscriptions suck. So it's a bit of a non-starter for me (sad).
  21. Well, it is all about the cash after all. Microsoft isn't a charity. I'm sure it's all part of a larger strategy. In the end, the upgrade is great but all new boxes will be shipped with Win10 so over the next few years, I'm guessing it will get better and better and penetration deeper and deeper.
  22. Just read this article from Jack Busch http://www.groovypost.com/reviews/asus-chromebook-flip-laptop/ Anyone have any experience with a Chromebook? I'm actually tempted to have one of these to replace my iPad as my "Couch-Surfing-Box". Can you use 1Password and Dropbox on it? Anyone know?
  23. For what it's worth @Mandy.... if you are still having problems after the 29th, I'll put money on it that Microsoft support will let ya upgrade for free. I have nothing in print to tell me that however, if you point to this forum post, no intelligent human would say - Sorry, deadline is over!
  24. Agreed @ralph blake. I just loved Windows 7. Windows 8 was... meh.... but 8.1 was solid. Had I not been a long-time reader of groovypost, I probably would have not upgraded to Windows 10 but now that it's done, I love it. Best of Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 if you ask me!
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