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My Application which is in Start up folder is not running

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My application which is in Startup folder is not started after restarting the computer. I find some solutions on internet like
1. Hkey_Local_Machine\ Software\ Microsoft\ Windows\ CurrentVersion\ Policies\ System\ Set EnableLUA to 0 (See at right side - By Default it is set to 1)
2. Set User Access Control settings to lowest level

When i do this settings, my application which is in start up folder, application runs when machine restarts every time.. But this setting inhibit the operation of some MS programs like MS-Edge, Photo-Viewer, Skype Video etc. Resetting to default "1" and restart PC would resolved it. We need to look for better solution to this "security measure" by later Windows version.. Please guide me with better solution 
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Hi @Rajesh Ramtere We all are volunteers here and all in different time zones. I'm sure you will get more replies from forum members latter. I'm not sure what your issue is??

You're wanting a better solution to "security measure" ? Are you running the new anniversary addition of W10? Do you have Access Control set to lowest level? I fail to see how we can come up with a better solution here on the forum. Maybe you should contact MS and see what they have to say!! Which setting is inhibiting the MS programs??;) I'm sorry if I don't understand what you're asking!


Edited by holdum333
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13 minutes ago, Profiler said:

I tried this solution. But it wont starts my applictaion which is in startup folder C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp. Give me some better solution

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14 minutes ago, Rajesh Ramtere said:

I tried this solution. But it wont starts my applictaion which is in startup folder C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp. Give me some better solution

I haven't a clue where you got Windows10 from or how you validated your copy.

I also don't know what changes you have made to the Registry.

I have installed Windows10 on a number of machines and not had this issue.

As @holdum333 suggests, take this up with Microsoft.

Sorry I can't help you more.

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19 minutes ago, Profiler said:

I haven't a clue where you got Windows10 from or how you validated your copy.

I also don't know what changes you have made to the Registry.

I have installed Windows10 on a number of machines and not had this issue.

As @holdum333 suggests, take this up with Microsoft.

Sorry I can't help you more.

I have attached the screenshots of my registry, local security policy.




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7 hours ago, Rajesh Ramtere said:

But it wont starts my applictaion which is in startup folder C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp. Give me some better solution


What is the app you're trying to run? Did you create it or did you purchase/download it? What does the app do? What is its purpose?

If it's your own app, we can't help you most likely. You will need to debug the issue and drop logs and error code to track what you're doing wrong. The OS is obviously not happy with what you're trying to do.

If it's a purchased/downloaded app, I would make sure you have the latest copy, it's compatible with Windows 10 and if all else fails, go back to the site/company you got it from and work with its support dept.

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Yes its our own app. I am trying to run this app with the help of task scheduler. Is it the good way to autostart the application when pc restarts?

Because i am trying to change some registry settings then i got the new errors while opening the MS-Edge, Skype video etc.but the appplication gets started when i done this registry settings. But reset this registry settings and create one task in task scheduler and my program gets started when pc restarts. Is it good solution? Please help me with best solution.

Thanks in advance.

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18 minutes ago, Rajesh Ramtere said:

Because i am trying to change some registry settings then i got the new errors while opening the MS-Edge, Skype video etc.

Sounds like you're trying to do something MS doesn't want you to do. Perhaps a security concern or??? Task Scheduler may work, using a trigger. Could also perhaps create the app as a Windows Service to auto-start.

Sorry I'm not more help.

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Let me put up my problem in a different way:

1. My team has developed a windows (C# WPF) application. This application requires elevated privileges to execute. (right click on app --> "Run as administrator" even for an administrator user). This application need to run at startup occasionally (depending on user preferences).

2. When user selects to run the application on windows startup, the application creates its shortcut in the "startup folder" of the windows.

3. As this application needs administrative privileges to start running, we have made the setting as shown in the attachment image. 

Problem : With this UAC settings my application startup automatically whenever configured to start, at boot on windows 7. For windows 10 (I upgraded my PC from windows 7 to windows 10 Pro recently) these settings do not help. When I right click "Run as administrator" on my application from the shortcut in the startup folder, my application works fine. 

I made the registry settings as discussed earlier, It helps start the application on boot. However, some MS tools give an message saying : eg "MS Edge can't be opened using the built-in Administrator account. Sign in with a different account and try again.".


I feel, somehow the UAC prompt, which generally occurs on running this application cannot allow same application in startup mode. How can I tell windows to run the application in administrator mode ? (windows does not by default run an app in administrator mode even when logged-in user is an administrator of that PC).




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19 hours ago, Rajesh Ramtere said:

How can I tell windows to run the application in administrator mode ?

That might work @Profiler however, you will need to do that programmatically. Might be possible? Not sure.


Another option @Rajesh Ramtere may be to execute the app or a script to call the App using the RUNAS command at startup...?

runas /profile /user:domain\adminaccount “cscript.exe \”C:\Documents and Settings\admin\Scripts\launchapp.vbs”\”


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Everyone seems to be in the right place over this but just not tying the knot is all.

Profiler actually had it in his first answer that Windows does not want anything run as The Administrator at startup because

Microsoft can see enabling the Administrator to fix issues but not to run as a user and that sort of sounds like that is what the user is doing here.

The enabled Administrator again is meant as a solution to a botched user not a substitute for one.

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