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I just upgraded to Windows 10,  but I can no longer connect to a Wi-Fi Hotspot.  Sometimes the Wi-fi network doesn't even appear in the list;  Other times it does appear but I receive the following message:  "You cannot connect to this network".    I tried updating the network adapter drivers but it still doesn't work.    
I took a usb adapter stick from another device I own and installed it and its software and that works,  but I really want and need to have the built in wi-fi adapter  work.  Can anyone help?

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Hi Welcome to the forum! Have you tried the trouble shooter in W10? Give this groovypost tutorial a look and see if any thing there works.

You may receive other replies from other forum members latter! groovypost is the sister forum to this one.



Edited by holdum333
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After I tried the usb adapter stick from the other device, I connected to the internet and immediately ran windows update.  Then I checked the status of the driver.  It says it's up to date, so I removed the Netgear adapter and tried connecting with the built-in adapter but is still doesn't work.

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If Windows can’t find a new driver for your network adapter, visit the PC manufacturer’s website and download the latest network adapter driver from there. If your PC can't connect to the Internet, you'll need to download a driver on a different PC and save it to a USB flash drive so you can install the driver on your PC. You’ll need to know the PC manufacturer and model name or number.

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