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Dear All,

I use HP Pavilion 15-p003-tx Touchscreen laptop bought in 2014 with Windows 8.1 64-bit per-installed which I later formatted & did a fresh installation of Windows 10 Home Single Language edition 64-bit by downloading a legal copy of it from Microsoft's official website & burned it on a USB pen drive. I have set screen display to "Turn Off" after 1 min on Battery power & 3 mins when Plugged in. System will go into "Stand-by mode" in 3 mins on Battery power & 5 mins when Plugged in.

Now, the issue is that whenever the screen display goes off, upon pressing any keyboard key or mouse touchpad - the display doesn't come back instead, it stays steady black both on Battery power & when Plugged-in. So I have to force Power off the laptop by hard pressing the Power button. Same applies when I try to Shutdown this Windows 10 system. Doing a force Power off repeatedly will damage the internal HDD someday or lead to Data corruption.

There are 2 graphics cards installed in this HP laptop. One is an on-board of Intel & the other is of Nvidia GeForce 830M (See the enclosed pics).

Kindly let me know what is the issue and how to solve this out b'coz even HP failed in resolving this issue.

All the Updates related to Laptop & Windows are up to date and so is the Firmware (Pls see the enclosed pics)

HDD is of 1 Tetra Bytes WDC and 4GB Ram with an Intel Core i5 processor (pls see the enclosed pic) than why does this Laptop perform very very slow especially during logon to desktop and while launching  any app or to search for something in the Windows Start Search bar or while opening Windows Explorer using Windows Key + E???




System Infor 1.PNG

System Infor 2.PNG

Graphics Card.PNG

System Details.PNG

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