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Magnifier does not track keyboard cursor


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The improved magnifier in windows 10 is a very important tool for the visually impaired.

The magnifier used to track the keyboard and mouse cursor without any problem until a few weeks ago when it stopped tracking keyboard cursor in both my PC and laptop.

It does track the keyboard cursor in MS Office applications but does not do so in Chrome and other applications.

Please advise,


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  • 4 years later...

Check Magnifier settings: Open the Magnifier settings by pressing the Windows key + I on your keyboard to open the Windows Settings app. Then, select "Ease of Access" and choose "Magnifier" from the left-hand menu. Make sure the "Follow the keyboard focus" option is enabled. If it's already enabled, try disabling and re-enabling it to see if it resolves the issue.

Update display drivers: Outdated or incompatible display drivers can sometimes cause issues with the Magnifier tool. Updating your display drivers to the latest version can help resolve such problems. Visit the manufacturer's website of your graphics card and look for the latest drivers available for your specific model. Download and install the updated drivers following the manufacturer's instructions.

Restart the Magnifier tool: Close the Magnifier tool and reopen it. To do this, press the Windows key + "+" (plus sign) on your keyboard to open the Magnifier, and then press the Windows key + Esc to close it. Launch Magnifier again using the same key combination, and check if the tracking issue is resolved.

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