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*PLEASE HELP* Windows 10 Not Turning On Anymore After Putting Charger In

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Hello, earlier today I was doing homework on my Dell Inspiron 13 7000 Windows 10 laptop and I got the little pop up that says battery is low. I ignored it like I usually did and then it said battery very low. This is usually where I get up and plug in the charger but sometimes I keep doing what im doing and then it dies and I realize I forgot to go get the charger. Thats what happened here. I left my computer open and went to get my charger. I plugged it up and waited a couple of minutes because it usually turns on by itself. I pressed the power button a couple of times after that and it still didn't turn on. I closed the computer opened it and pressed the power button and it didn't come on. I repeated this multiple times occasionally holding down the power button but nothings working. The little white light is still illuminating on the corner of the computer that signifies your computer is charging yet its not turning on. Any solutions/suggestions? Thank You!

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