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I don't know what happened, but after a few days of random problems, I was online, when suddenly my pc just restarted for unknown reason. Except it did not actually restart, it just showed an error. I tried to research the code number on another computer but it came back unknown.


"Luckily", I still have an install USB so I grabbed it and tried to repair the boot. When that failed saying "unable to complete repair", I tried to reinstall over existing install. That said "Unable to install to partition" it is a 180 Gig partition. After a couple tries I just deleted the partition, all it would let me do. But then "unable to create partition". No reason why just can't do it.


So I'm stuck here, unable to do anything. How do I get past this point? How do I convince it that 20G of data will fit into a 180G space?


Dell Inspiron 3793 laptop w10 no version yet.

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  • 4 weeks later...

If you boot up using the Windows 10 media creation tool, you should be able to format a USB drive and boot from it. From there, when you goto install Windows, as you mentioned, you should be able to delete the partition and just re-install a clean install of Windows 10.

Being a few months later, did this ever work for ya?

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  • 4 months later...

If you are having trouble reinstalling Windows 10, there are several steps you can take to troubleshoot the issue:

Check your system requirements: Ensure that your computer meets the minimum system requirements to run Windows 10. If your computer is too old, you may not be able to install the operating system.

Check your installation media: If you are using a DVD or USB drive to install Windows 10, make sure that it is not damaged or corrupted. You can try creating a new installation media or using a different one.

Check your boot order: Make sure that your computer is set to boot from the correct device, such as the DVD or USB drive that you are using to install Windows 10. You can change the boot order in your computer's BIOS settings.



Rachel Gomez

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