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New Forum Name!!


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Hi There! I see we have a new forum name as promised by @Steve K. (Windows10.help). That's cool! I had to sign in this afternoon. It took me a couple of tries. First time said my email was in use, but next time I was successful. The forum seems to be growing and this new name may help. I'm excited. Am I the only member that noticed the new name?? I hope we can see a members list soon. Looking good. It appears you can get on with the old name also, but may have to sign in.

Old name-- Forums - Windows 10 Forum

New name-- Windows 10 Forums

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Heya @Rich-M Thanks for your post my friend. Where's our leaders? Was this a big secret? I guess I blew their cover!xD

Some times this is a very strange forum, but I love it anyway.:ph34r: My trouble logging in was my email address! Hope others aren't having problems logging in!

If they do, I hope they report their problem and try more then once to log in!

Edited by holdum333
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I am also playing with a new browser which could also be what is causing issues. I have had it with Waterfox and Mozilla popups about the end of java support

and having to authorize every use of Adobe Flash Player so my browser could easily have caused my logo0n issues. I have moved back to Sea Monkey after so many years absence!

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Hey guys! Yes - There was a name change. From the very start, I was never a huge fan of "Windows10Forums.com". A little long and a lot of other sites who also go by those types of names. 

Windows10.Help -- Hopefully, the name says it all. ;)

Over the coming weeks, I'm still working on customizing the site a bit more and getting us moved over to a full HTTPS site as well. Plenty to get as we get our new community up and running!



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On 9/2/2016 at 7:07 AM, Rich-M said:

I agree just please keep us up to date on what is going on so we can help wherever necessary.

You bet!

Right now the main thing I'm working on with the forum is getting it to HTTPS. Pretty straight forward. Will also be working on some new logos etc... I'm also looking to add Single-Sign-On with Microsoft accounts (outlook.com). It's not as simple as I was hoping so that is taking a bit more time. So pretty low priority stuff but, good for the community.

Thanks guys!


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To be tracked every second I am on this site, what I am doing and what I am reading is of no business to other members.

Qwner and Staff,Yes.

A complete turn off.I think members that do that are dam nosey.

I will certainly be coming here less.


Edited by ACE
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Hi Holdum333. For you to spend hours every day viewing the online user list watching every move everyone makes is wrong.

Members shouldn't have that ability. Only Owner and Staff.

Other Sites don't make that available to members. We deserve a certain amount of privacy.


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