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groovyPost Giveaway - EaseUS Partition Master Pro

Steve K.

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Hi! @gus Yes I did. Thank you for your reply. I used this link and then I copied and pasted the Key that is shown in my post. I could have done some thing wrong, but I don't know what it would be as I was being very careful. After installing the Trial Addition, I tried to upgrade to paid with the key that I copied and pasted.

Thanks Gus!




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Thanks again! Now all I have to do is learn how to use it. Looks like it does  lot of stuff! Have you used it before? I have never used a program like this before.

All I've ever used is Disk Management.;)

PS Sorry I'm getting off topic. I'll open another thread!

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Hi! This is how I see this! Down load the program from this link that @gus provided in above posts http://www.easeus-down.com/temp/EPM_10.8_trial.exe

Then go get here! http://www.partition-tool.com/giveaways/groovypost.htm  Get your free key and copy and past your free key , and you should be good to go! If I have this screwed up, then @gus will correct me

PS Don't wait very long. The offer is for a very short time. LOL

Edited by holdum333
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Obviously it is still alive as I just did it today. I love this program and have used it for years...installed "like a treat".

If I see enough reasons why it is different from the regular version I might buy the extra licenses, that is very smart promoting on their part,

but they have always been good at that. I haven't used the "Todo backup" in years because it was exceptionally slow whereas Macrium free version was not that way

but their "Disk Clone" free version I found I liked because even though it took eons longer then Acronis to complete, it did so often on a bad drive which then make the fix a faster process rather than reinstalling Windows to a new hard drive. Acronis would never copy a drive that was bad in any way. I haven't ever used Marcrium for clones because it was too complicated for me to figure out and Acronis is so easy to use.

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