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Best Replacement for Google Picasa App on Windows or Mac?


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You guys probably saw the news a few months back -- Google has dropped the entire Picasa product line https://picasa.google.com/ - If you hit the site they tell you "sorry dude, no dice. You need to use Google Photos".

Well, the issue with Google Photos is I want the images on my main box and don't want to upload them into the Google cloud.

So -- Does anyone have a good list of alternatives to Picasa I can test out on a Windows box or a Mac? I would prefer to stick with Windows for all my photography (I know, that sounds odd) but, If I need to flip to my Mac for my photo archive, I guess I can do that...

oh - and although I would like to stay with Freeware, if I have to spend under $100, I guess I'm OK with that also.


Edited by ShockerSH
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Hey ShockerSH! I'm not into that, but this link says 5 replacements for picasa app on windows!

Though Picasa is a well-known photo organizer and editor, Google has had much more success with its newer photo storage and sharing application, Google Photos. Though the program will continue to work if you currently use it, or download it before it’s shutdown next month, Google will not offer future updates.


Edited by holdum333
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That is one of the reasons I hate to use 3rd party aps for photos/ Look at all the lost pups out there when Kodak ended it's program Easy Share, and years ago I was dependent on a great program called Compupic that just hit the dust about 10 years ago and you can "bet your bippy" that the next version of Windows will not be compatible with old versions of those either.

And I have so many clients who can't do anything with photos without one or the other...its sad.

Today I use Irfanview for a graphics viewer and Gimp for more advanced projects and neither one of those is going anywhere!

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Smugmug (Not free), Flickr, Photos (Mac), Lightroom (Not Free).

Personally, I'm also still using Picasa + Smugmug. Picasa on my PC indexes and tags all my photos then I upload them all the Smugmug. It's a great combo. Now that Picasa is toast, i'll probably move everything to Photos on the Mac. :(


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  • 5 months later...

After Picasa was taken down by Google(thank you for killing good products), I've looked around for an alternative and tried a lot of them. Well-know and matured Irfan, FastStone and XnView don't fit the bill, as they are folder browsers, not organizers. Basically I want to separate my photo life from hard drive structure with folders, just don't want to see a huge folders tree in left pane when all my photos are under one specific root. If to take away all browsers - there are not too much alternatives to Picasa. One day I finally found the app I stick with for a while. It looks like iPhoto, but works on Windows(ha-ha). It can import images, has lot of organizing features and doesn't show hard drive's folders tree. The UI is very sexy and encourages to organize all images into albums and events. To make long story short the app is called "Phototheca" and is available on Windows Store for free - Phototheca app 




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  • 2 weeks later...
On 27.12.2016 at 5:40 PM, Steve K. said:

Have you used it? Any good?

Have used it a lot, it's quite good app, and this is unusual and interesting software for sure. Very different from widely known photo software. It has flaws regarding stability, I experienced several crashes and there is no help file either. On the other hand - curious features like Calendar, safe-boxes and smart albums(like in iTunes). UI isn't overwhelmed with checkboxes and panels. One feature that impressed me a lot - app has two different UI's - in addition to traditional one it has touch UI(touch mode), if go to this mode on Windows 10 tablet - it looks very different and supports gestures to scroll over photos, like on iPad. Have no idea why this app hasn't got a strong recognition in the web.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 4 weeks later...
On 12/17/2018 at 2:09 PM, R_Paradise said:

I am still using Pacasa and still adding photos with no problem

Yeah - I personally still use it as well. Just in case the installs vanish, I also grabbed the final versions for Windows and Mac. Find em here on the blog.


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