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Wow! I'm impressed with your Ping and upload! I've never seen my upload more than 5Mbps. I call my ISP a lot. Not just for me, but for the seniors in my village. I'm not impressed with Sudden Link, but it's the best I can get. You must be on fiber to get those speeds. Sudden link is promising to bring fiber this way, but it won't be any time soon.

Good for you! How much is your bill??

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10 hours ago, Rich-M said:

How on earth did you double your speed for less $?

Follow these steps. Granted, your mileage may vary...

1 - Call your ISP at least annually. Tell them: My bill is way too high. I'm going to move to XYZ competitor. They have new customer specials and I'm going to save a ton.

2 - Customer service will usually transfer you to another department in order to retain you.

3 - Repeat #1 to new Rep.

4 - Rep will usually say something like "Oh, well how about we lower your bill and give you new customer pricing?"

That's the standard story for most service providers....

10 hours ago, Rich-M said:

I have never seen upload that fast unless it was a mistake

Hi @Rich-M -- Nope, not a mistake. :) I'm running on Frontier FIOS (Fiber). Formerly Verizon FIOS. Frontier bought out the services from Verizon a few years back. So I have Fiber going to my house. Unlike Cable, it's not a shared connection. I get the full 100mpbs Up/Down.

On 7/9/2016 at 6:59 PM, holdum333 said:

Good for you! How much is your bill?

Um... well, my TV, Phone and Internet are all bundled into a single bill. I think I pay like $172 for all 3. So, if you were to separate my Internet, I think it's around..... $75 a month?

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OK Now I see why you have those speeds ! You have fiber. I retired from ATT and know a little about fiber optics. However I retired nearly 23 years ago. It will be awhile before fiber gets to me. I'm really not that into any thing that needs that speed, but it must be nice and would spoil you! I wouldn't know how to act with 5ms Ping! I gripe to Sudden Link, but they don't listen. I think I pay some where around 40$. Golden Oaks pays my TV and ATT takes care of my phone. I think I could get better speed, but I don't stream or do things like that. A simple man with a simple plan. LOL;)

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