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Which is the best antivirus software for windows 10


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Windows 10 has a quality antivirus/antimalware program built-in called Windows Defender. It continuously runs in the background and is updated regularly...sometimes multiple times per day and is constantly improving. Here are some articles you can read about it:



Personally, that is all I use. If you want a supplemental antimalware program, I recommend the portable versions of Malwarebytes or SuperAntiSpyware. I say portable because you can simply run them from a USB drive to do a scan.

Of course, the bottom line is you need to use common sense and be responsible when using your PC. Here are two articles with competing views on security protection against Malware:

http://www.groovypost.com/unplugged/why-I-havent-used-antivirus-programs-in-years/  (Common Sense Guide to Malware Protection)

http://www.groovypost.com/unplugged/why-everyone-needs-antimalware-protection/ (Competing View on Why Everyone Needs Malware Protection)

But if you have kids or other people who aren't tech savvy using the PC, you should consider a commercial program like Norton, TrendMicro, or Kaspersky. 

To get a look at how well these security programs stack up, I recommend checking out this following page that is an Independent AV comparison chart:


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15 hours ago, Brian said:

Windows 10 has a quality antivirus/antimalware program built-in called Windows Defender. It continuously runs in the background and is updated regularly...sometimes multiple times per day and is constantly improving. Here are some articles you can read about it:



Personally, that is all I use. If you want a supplemental antimalware program, I recommend the portable versions of Malwarebytes or SuperAntiSpyware. I say portable because you can simply run them from a USB drive to do a scan.

Of course, the bottom line is you need to use common sense and be responsible when using your PC. Here are two articles with competing views on security protection against Malware:

http://www.groovypost.com/unplugged/why-I-havent-used-antivirus-programs-in-years/  (Common Sense Guide to Malware Protection)

http://www.groovypost.com/unplugged/why-everyone-needs-antimalware-protection/ (Competing View on Why Everyone Needs Malware Protection)

But if you have kids or other people who aren't tech savvy using the PC, you should consider a commercial program like Norton, TrendMicro, or Kaspersky. 

To get a look at how well these security programs stack up, I recommend checking out this following page that is an Independent AV comparison chart:


what would you recommend me in malware bytes and superantispyware?

Edited by wizrak
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Sorry to reply you after a long time. I thought of installing McAfee LiveSafe 2016 Antivirus since it has an Internet Security for PCs, Smart Phones and Laptops, data security and 24x7 Tech Support. 

Please see below link which has details about same.




Richard Oakley| Tech Support Team


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Personally, I just leave Windows Defender to do its thing.

And if I need a second opinion I will use either the portable version of SuperAntiSpyware.

Also, in Windows 10 you can run Windows Defender Offline which will give a much better scan because no other processes are running.

You can read more at the following link:http://www.groovypost.com/news/windows-10-defender-allows-offline-malware-scans/


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I use the built-in Windows Defender as my Real-time Protection, and a free edition of Malwarebytes as my On-demand protection.

I have been using this setup on my 2 laptops running Win 10 RTM and Insider Previews for over 2 years. No security issues at all.

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HI! I'm holdum333! Getting familiar with your forum. I use Windows Defender and Malwarebytes Pro and of course i use safe surfing! Looks like a quite forum where I can learn and maybe help a little. Found your forum while surfing the web. Hope I'm not screwing up my reply:/

Learning how things work!Capture76JPG.gif

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Hi ShockerSH! I do use Superantispyware to scan with on demand occasionally. I also give ESET on line scanner a shot once in awhile.

MBAM quarantined a PUP today. I love my Pro MBAM. I wouldn't go any place with out it running in real time.

Yes I'm a safe suffer. Not sure were I picked up that PUP. Will need to be more careful!:D

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