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Everything posted by Rich-M

  1. You are so right I feel the one exception was the third "Raiders of the Lost Ark" mainly because Sean Connery really added something to that movie.
  2. I somehow doubt this is an MS bug because most that I have read about have fixed it by using the Microsoft Update Catalog. Most of the irreparable situations I have seen were only fixed with a clean install. The odd ball behavior and bizarre responses I see are always caused by the poor quality of the OS after an Upgrade which is why I suggested Gary do a clean install and I bet everything will run better also. My main unit I did a clean install on 2 months ago has yet to give me the slightest issue in Windows 10 where the upgrades were causing daily issues for me.
  3. Well I happen to be in that situation owning a VW Diesel 2015 Jetta that is now all but dead to me. The buyback from VW is a fraud, they will pay for the fix by taking back the money they give you as a fine or pay you too little for the car which you have to take knowing the longer you wait the more worthless the vehicle will become as VW is ending diesel production for now. The government and VW should be ashamed of themselves and the owner takes it straight up the Ass as expected.
  4. I was able to fix it using the Update Catalog. Downloaded easily and installed perfectly. Now this was not my pc it was a client pc.
  5. I agree with Ace here and there is no question in my mind that Windows 7 is the best OS Microsoft has ever produced. That's not to say that Windows 10 long run may well surpass it. Up until last weekend they were doing well but now we have Windows 10 systems hanging everywhere stuck with Windows updates at 45-49%. There seems no end to the issues. I had one and I went to try the Windows Update Catalog and by jove that fixed the problem and completed the updates.
  6. The best way to get the update is by going here: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/12387/windows-10-update-history
  7. Can you explain better what "I cleaned my pc" means? How did you do that?
  8. Will do later in the week! Somehow my laptop got infected while at the hospital and I have a big job there to fix. Thank god for a Macrium file done in November of 2015 as I don't use the laptop much so am not in the habit of making regular backups on it.
  9. I will have to check that one out as I never heard of it, thanks for that.
  10. Macrium is simple. It makes image files which is what I want backup program to do, nothing fancy and no other areas necessary as I use other programs for files and data. Macrium has a Windows PE rescue disk while the others are Linux and Windows 8 initially had issues using Linux rescue disks. Because it is Windows based the drives ahve the correct drive letters, something that always causes issues when Linux changes the drive letters. Macrium free is full featured to do image files and clones. If you want incremental and differential backups then you need paid version as I do. I use Standard version. Macrium has never failed me and especially getting the mbr properly placed and loaded in a restore. It can also work on corrupted Windows files as long as they aren't too bad where Acronis will not record an image or restore one if the drive is not perfect. Macrium will record an image file and restore it in the same time as Acronis which I always felt was the quickest software whereas most of the free ones take substantailly longer.
  11. Me too I have always used VLC Player with every version of Windows.
  12. Like you I got tired of the constantly bigger and bigger interface loaded with things I don't personally care about. The end for me came when it failed to recover an image file on a new laptop and actually killed the hard drive in doing so where I had to replace it all the while where it was statng it had restored the image successfully. That was in 2013 and I have been using Macrium ever since. Not sure why you think Macrium is slow as I find it as fast as Acronis was for me.
  13. Very odd indeed as I just looked and all my printers show working on this Windows 10 pc.
  14. I agree just please keep us up to date on what is going on so we can help wherever necessary.
  15. I am also playing with a new browser which could also be what is causing issues. I have had it with Waterfox and Mozilla popups about the end of java support and having to authorize every use of Adobe Flash Player so my browser could easily have caused my logo0n issues. I have moved back to Sea Monkey after so many years absence!
  16. I assume you meant "chkdsk /r", its ok no one is perfect (except maybe a guy I used to know from Australia)
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