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Everything posted by holdum333

  1. Hi @ACE I'll be watching this my friend. Here's my question! Isn't Windows Explorer now called File Explorer? Why are we getting Windows Explorer errors. That's one reason I didn't pay much attention to the error. My Reliability log cleared after the anniversary update, so I'm starting out new. I'm sure you researched (repairing the Security File Record Segment) It will be very interesting to see if Windows Explorer crashes again. Very interesting reply. I think I'll run a chkdsk and see what I get! https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms832828.aspx Here's my log. My HP printer failed after the anniversary up date and I had to reinstall it. I also had to reinstall my internet adapter after the upgrade. I think that's all so far. I'm still checking things out! It's looking pretty good so far! Oh yea and I had to disable Bluetooth!
  2. Hi @ACE That did it friend! Don't know what Bluetooth had to do with it, but I disabled the Bluetooth entries and Devices and Printers load normal again. I don't have any Bluetooth devices that I know of! Nice find Mick! Thanks Mick. Wonder if MS will put out a patch and fix that??
  3. Hi @ACE Sorry friend I missed your post. For some reason I wasn't notified when you posted. I checked your link and that won't work on the anniversary version! Thanks for your post!
  4. HI Just like the title says. Devices and printers take forever to load after the anniversary update. That's the only problem that I haven't solved with the update! Wondering if anyone is having this problem or has a solution to this problem! Every thing else seems to be running OK! Thanks!
  5. Wow ! I really don't know what all happened! My PC seems fine this morning. I have never seen any thing like that before. It says I have the 1607 build, so I guess I'm good! It took for ever. Moved my desk top short cuts around. Might be missing one. I will have to check that out later. Any way here's a screen shot and it shows 1607. I sure hope there is a big improvement, after all that BS
  6. Heya My friend! I'm going trough the anniversary update at this moment. I do not believe what's going on with my PC. I did not ask for the update. It just started. I have no worries because I have a current back up image of my OS. I will update this thread tomorrow. I realize that I'm a newbie, but this is unbelievable to this old country boy! IMHO MS has went crazy. God help us!
  7. Hey Friend! Where do I find this option? I think I have seen it before, but I can't find it tonight! Thanks @ACE
  8. Hey friend! Thanks! I will dang sure check it out, and if is turned on; I'll dang sure turn it off!. Welcome to the forum my friend. We need more techs like you on this forum. You deserve a reputation for your reply my friend and you just got one from me! Thanks @ACE
  9. Hey MS! What if I was a senior and didn't know how to fix my internet connection. It wasn't that easy to fix my issue. I had to uninstall my internet adapter. Unplug the power to the router a couple of times. I had to inter my security Key to my router and basically set up my router again .To be honest; I was so angry, I forgot a lot of things that I had to do, but all is well now, but your are on my suck list tonight Microsoft. LMAO This was all because you updated my driver without my permission. That's pretty sad Microsoft! I would like decide when I need to update my internet driver if that's OK with you MS. LMAO If it ain't broke, please do not fix it for me MS. LOL. I will handle that if you don't mind!
  10. Hi There! Every thing has been going well until tonight. I was on the internet and on this forum,when I lost my internet Wi-Fi connection. A W10 update knocked me off of the internet. It took me a hour to figure out how to fix this problem and I'm not a happy camper at this moment with MS. How do I know it was MS, because I'm a big believer in the Reliability monitor. The attached screen shot will prove that I'm right. I know the exact time I lost my connection and the Reliability Monitor confirms it. Time to get your XXXX together MS. Time to give me; a W10 Home owner a choice, if I want your damn updates or not. I'm back on the internet and all is good, but I'm still upset about all this!. I run a NETGEAR AC1750 WiFi Cable Modem Router for all you Geeks reading this thread! It will really be interesting to see how many techs reply to my thread! All replies are welcome on my threads. Just like they always are!
  11. Hi @IndyImpalaSS Welcome to the forum. I like hearing posts like yours. Hope to see more posts from you in the future!
  12. Hi @IndyImpalaSS I'm sure there will be more conflicts. Just like the update before, some users are not having issues and some users are having issues. Stay tuned. Just create a back up image of your OS and go for it is my suggestion Thanks for your post and welcome to the forum my friend!
  13. Nice @ACE Thanks for your post! I get those Windows Explorer errors also. I haven't figured out why yet! I don't worry much about them, but I do send a report to MS when I get one. Very nice graft my friend. Thanks for sharing it!! It looks like you have a well maintained rig.
  14. Ok That's all I know about user accounts. I don't use pass words, to me they are APITA. I have heard that it's a good idea to surf the wed with a standard user account for malware and safety reasons, but I have never set up a standard account. Thanks for your reply!
  15. Heya @Brian Burgess Thanks for the blog. I'm hearing some bad things about the anniversary update causing some problems, I would just like to add to your thread to always create a back up image before making any major chances to your PC. This update looks like a fairly large change. I also have a thread about the anniversary update here on the forum where I warn users to create a back up image before updating the anniversary update. Thanks Brian! You are appreciated my friend!
  16. Hi @RandySea Welcome to the forum. There is a lot going on in your post. I think you are now saying you can login with all 3 user names? Not sure if you still have a problem. You may get more replies from other forum members latter. I'm thinking it has some thing to do with Microsoft sign in. Here's a blog by @Brian Burgess That talks about W10 user accounts! http://www.groovypost.com/howto/create-local-account-windows-10/
  17. Hi! The anniversary update has been released. I'm a little late, but hope you all read this before you do the anniversary update. If you want to save yourself a lot of grief, please create a back up image of your OS before upgrading to the anniversary. There will be some that read this post and think they can get away not backing up their OS and then they will be crying. No matter how many times I preach back up, there are those who don't listen. http://www.groovypost.com/news/windows-10-cumulative-update-kb3176934-available-now/ You have been warned my friends by holdum333. Create a back up image of your OS before updating to the anniversary
  18. Heya @ACE welcome to the forum! I have heard that before about Aomei. I started out with Macrium Reflect a long time ago. So that's what I'm familiar with. Here's my thoughts. Find a image program that you're confident in, and create back up images regularly. It will make your life so much less stressful . Thank you for your post my friend and welcome to the forum. I hope you will become a regular here!
  19. Heya @Nova Vishy Do you have any updates for us. I've been wondering how things are going for you! I sure wish you would have made back up images. That would have made this whole issue a lot simpler. I keep preaching "back up your OS regularly" but very few users listen to me. If my hard drive died tonight, I could replace the drive with a brand new one and be back up and running exactly like I was the day I created the image. That makes me feel very confident and fearless. I just wish everyone could feel this way. Keep us updated when you have time! If you have questions, just ask and I'll try my best to answer them!
  20. Here you go as was promised, I'll have a perfect ten tomorrow . IMHO W10 is getting more stable every day and this graft is prof of that. I'm very happy with W10 and my thinking is it will get even better. The Reliability Monitor has a lot of interesting things going on and I think it can be a great tool for trouble shooting and maintaining your PC. Give it a look once in awhile. It doesn't cost any thing.. I double dog dare you to attach your Reliability Monitor graft and brag about your rig! Here's what HTG has to say about this windows tool and I agree! It's hard to teach old dogs new tricks, but I keep trying! "When it comes to hidden gems in Windows, nothing beats the Reliability monitor tool, hidden behind a link inside of another tool that you don’t use either. Why Microsoft doesn’t shine more light on this really useful troubleshooting tool, we’ll never know. Reliability Monitor tracks the history of your computer — any time an application crashes, hangs, or Windows gives you a blue screen of death. It also tracks other important events, like when software is installed, or Windows Updates loads a new patch."
  21. Yes it would be great if everyone created regular image back ups; but they don't and no matter how many times they are warned, they never listen. If they did listen, help forums would go out of business; or at least, they would have a lot fewer issues to solve! It looks like windows 10 is making it a lot easier to recover from mishaps and that's a good thing IMHO! Nothing beats a Macrium back up image!
  22. Hi I agree with Rich. Time to create a back up image or better yet clone your hard drive before you lose every thing! PS installing the update might have had some thing to do with causing the bad sectors. I'm not sure about that, but @Rich-M might have a comment about that. I wouldn't wait too long on replacing your hard drive!
  23. Hi @Nova Vishy 4 bad sectors is not a good sign even if they were repaired. I would be creating a back up image real soon. Once you start finding bad sectors, the hard drive is on it's way out! You have never explained how you're installing the anniversary update. My thoughts at the moment is you might be getting a corrupt install of the anniversary update. How are you reverting back to 1511? My real concern is the bad sectors. You really need to get a image created with Macrium! I would create a new MCT . I recommend using a PNY flash. I have several and they never let me down. I'm not familiar with spybot! Are you saying that your PC works fine until you update to the anniversary? Really need to know how you're updating to the anniversary! Go here and create a MCT flash! https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windows10/
  24. Not a problem @Rich-M Thanks for helping! My thinking is if the Poster can't get to a elevated CMD, there's a major problem. It would really help if the file system could be repaired with sfc /scannow and DISM before creating a image. They both have to be ran with Admin rights. Corrupted system files could also cause a problem for Macrium Reflect. I guess we'll have to wait for @Nova Vishy to reply! The way I understand this, the OP's PC gets stuck when UAC pops up and that's not a good thing! Sounding a little like malware to me! PS Wish I had the computer in front of me. That would help a lot!It's tough trouble shooting this way! I see you are a Sr. Contributor already. Congrads on that! I use to be a Windows10 Pro but got demoted.oops! Thanks for helping @Rich-M Team work is always good IMHO!
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