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Windows activation error 0x80072EE7


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This is the craziest thing I've ever experienced with a Window machine...gave me a good laugh! Was working remotely on a new Surface and there was a Windows Activation error, so went to Settings\Updates and there was a statement that the update server could not be found and check the internet connection? Duh, I'm working remotely and the browsers are not having issues?! So I decided to do a search on error 0x80072ee7 and came up with the following non MS post:

  1. go to control panel
  2. search "view network connections"
  3. go to view network connections
  4. choose your network( which you are currently using )
  5. right click on it and select properties
  6. scroll down to " internet protocol version 4 (TCP/IPv4) "
  7. hit properties
  8. Now choose Use the following DNS Server addresses
  9. Primary DNS Server - and Secondary DNS Server -
  10. These are the addresses of Google's DNS Servers
  11. They are free to use.
  12. Hit ok

Guess what...it worked and Google did what Big Blue could not! I'm still LMFAO!!

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I ran in to this on another forum and thought it should be listed here, as it's a good/easy fix.

I'm a computer technician and have been running Windows 10 on my desktop computer since it's been available. Most of my customers are still on Windows 7, but the numbers will be increasing on W10.

Keep up the good work on preaching backup...I do also with ALL my customers, as it's VERY important to have backups!!

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Hi @IndyImpalaSS Thanks for your post my friend. I'm always preaching backup and once in awhile, someone even listens.

Good to have a technician on the forum. I just restored my OS with Macrium Reflect after my OS got corrupted. You won't believe this but I ran a chkdsk /r /f and it bricked my computer. I had to use my W10 MCT flash and then Macrium to get me back up and going. All is well and I'm glad it worked. If not for Macrium, I would still be installing Apps. Hope to see you around the forum!;) It's still growing!

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Hi @ACE Yes I ended up with just the windows logo. PC would not refresh or reset. The only way I could get back was with the MCT flash and Macrium Reflect. Well at least I know they both work now! That's sad that it crashed my PC and would not boot into windows. I find that very strange and disturbing! All who read this thread, beware of this problem.>:( Always have the MCT flash and a back up image of your OS!;)

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That's regrettable this happened.

I have has customers with the exact same issue. Normally hard shut off.

Booting into Bios, reset boot order and set Bios to defaults.

This normally gets you booting into the OS again.

In this day and age backups are most important with all the ransome ware about.

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On 8/30/2016 at 3:28 AM, ACE said:

I would have typed this in elevated command prompt  CKHDSK C: /r

Bet you ended up with a black screen

You must include the Drive letter eg C:

I assume you meant "chkdsk /r", its ok no one is perfect (except maybe a guy I used to know from Australia)

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  • 7 months later...
On 8/28/2016 at 9:30 AM, IndyImpalaSS said:

I ran in to this on another forum and thought it should be listed here, as it's a good/easy fix.

I'm a computer technician and have been running Windows 10 on my desktop computer since it's been available. Most of my customers are still on Windows 7, but the numbers will be increasing on W10.

Keep up the good work on preaching backup...I do also with ALL my customers, as it's VERY important to have backups!!

I am very frustrated. I bought a $200 security system for Microsoft and they said that would do any service. So my screens goes black and I call them and they go into my computer and say that it's a IP address problem and it has to do w/ the network  so they want to charge me another $149  I said no ...now my computer will not boot up I put the computer password in and it has a screen that says Lenovo and a ongoing  dotted circle and it won't open... do I need to call them back and for $100 get a new Microsoft key ! Help !! 


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