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Windows 10 won't download completely

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I backed up my computer -- started the download process to upgrade to Windows 10. About half way through the download, it stopped and came back with a failed message:

WindowsUpdate_80004004" "WindowsUpdate_dt000. Has anyone ever seen this or know what I should do next? Help please! 


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Hi @Mandy! Welcome to the forum! You may get more replies from forum members latter. Here's a good read by groovy post that might help you get W10 installed. If you have more questions, someone will try to help you. It would help if you post your make and model on your next reply!;)


Edited by holdum333
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Hi @allheart55 (Cindy E) Thanks for that. I checked it out and it has bad ratings from WOT. Most of those 3rd party programs like that, are snake oil and it's recommended not to use them. IMHO you don't need them. The other suggestions in the link are good!:)

Thanks for the heads up Cindy!;)

5 minutes ago, allheart55 (Cindy E) said:

No way. Stay away from smartpcfixer. It's crapware!


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Hi @Mandy Once you have checked out all the things you should do before trying to install windows; I would recommend the Media Creation Tool from MS.

If you have not tried the MCT You can find it here!;)

PS Last day for the free upgrade. After today you won't be able to get the free upgrade!:(



Edited by holdum333
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Hi @Profiler Good suggestion about AV. Do not worry about posting that link with crapware. Your PC knowledge is well know in the computer world. We are not perfect, and all we can do is to give it the very best we know how and hope we make a difference!;)

I'm hoping that @Mandy  has been able to upgrade to W10. Hoping they will post soon with good results and a successful upgrade!

Thanks @Profiler You are appreciated mate!

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12 hours ago, Mandy said:

Thanks Profiler!  I'll go through the article first

For what it's worth @Mandy.... if you are still having problems after the 29th, I'll put money on it that Microsoft support will let ya upgrade for free. I have nothing in print to tell me that however, if you point to this forum post, no intelligent human would say - Sorry, deadline is over!

Edited by ShockerSH
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24 minutes ago, ShockerSH said:

For what it's worth @Mandy.... if you are still having problems after the 29th, I'll put money on it that Microsoft support will let ya upgrade for free. I have nothing in print to tell me that however, if you point to this forum post, no intelligent human would say - Sorry, deadline is over!

Let's hope that MS will extend the dead line @ShockerSH but I have not seen any evidence that's going to happen. Not sure that a human is involved in this upgrade. I hope MS extends the free upgrade, but I wouldn't put any money on it!;)

PS I'm hoping that this forum grows also @ShockerSH;)

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