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Has anyone noticed the Blogs section?


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41 minutes ago, ShockerSH said:

Yup - looks like he just moved it also :)@Steve, how do we get blogs? :ph34r:

Hey Shocker. Yes - I moved the Blogs navigation to be more visible. @holdum333 noticed it early on while we were still testing the feature. For now just two of us are blogging but I'll be posting more details shortly on the plan to expand it.

Great question, thanks for asking!

29 minutes ago, ShockerSH said:

 what is your plan with the old forum? Become a little dusty...


Another great question. The plan is to merge together http://answers.groovypost.com and http://forum.groovypost.com into a new forum running a modern, commercial forum package. I'm still working out the details because it's going to take time to convert all the data from the old databases into a new database and NOT lose any data (Topics, Comments, User, Reputation). It's not easy but bear with us! Lot's of cool stuff to come.


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Hi There! Get more involved and join the sister forum, where this all started. Technology News, Tips, Reviews, and How To Galleries

Also subscribe to the news letter. There is lots of information in the news letter. You only thought you knew  a lot until you read all the blogs in the news letter. It's free. A special invitation to my friends @allheart55 (Cindy E) @Profiler and @Rich-M


Edited by holdum333
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