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system adminstrator recovery

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I have win 10 pro on desk top pc  , by mistake I delete the ability to operate as administrator ,


 I tried from setting  to made: recovery ,system reset ,account >another user

but I get in the dialog box , a message that I need administrator account to continue,

 which I cannot.


1-Before I will make clean installation ,could I have another ways to define the ability to

operate as administrator ?



2-Is it possible to re define or recover  this ability, from this dialog box (attached print screen)?

3- is it possible to create recovery disk for win 10 pro ,so I will fix the ability to work as system administrator?

Note- I was upgrade my system to win 10 pro from win 7 pro and  over than month passed

         - I have not any installation cd or back up.


tanks for advise or guide

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Hi! I'm not aware of how you can delete the ability to operate as administrator. The first thing I would try is to restore to a earlier time.

Have you tried clicking on User Accounts in control panel? You may get more suggestions from other forum members latter!


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Hi @cidi Would like to hear if you have solved your problem. If you have I would like to know what you done.

If you still need help, someone on the forum will try to get a solution to your problem if there is a solution.

Here's a freeware program that might help. It's called Take Ownership It works for me some times!



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Hi holdum333,

tanks for your replies ,I tried to made restore (recover)some weeks ago ,but I get the message that I need administrator account.

Take Ownership program ,where to find more information or discerption what  kind of  repairs this program cover?

Is inside the program  , guidance  and  instructions how to use it.

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Hi! @cidi Sorry I'm late responding! Here's some more information on Take Ownership. I don't understand your issue with administrative or how you disabled it . There has to be at least one administrator, Do you have more then one ?? There's a possibility that you have malware. I can see that a account has been disabled in your screen shot. I do not have Windows Pro. I will attach a screen shot of what I see in my Admin Account. Have you tried unchecking where it says disable this account??

Here's link about Take Ownership! Keep me informed and I'll try my best to help you solve this issue!


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Hi @cidi Have a look here and see if this can help you with your issue. Maybe other forum members will reply latter! Please read the warning i posted in red, before you use the method described in my HTG link below!

The account is created in Windows 10, 8, 7, or Vista, but since it’s not enabled you can’t use it. If you are troubleshooting something that needs to run as administrator, you can enable it with a simple command.

Note: You really shouldn’t use this account for anything other than troubleshooting. In fact, you probably shouldn’t use it at all.


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On 7/17/2016 at 7:11 AM, cidi said:

by mistake I delete the ability to operate as administrator ,

HI @cidi,

I've never had this happen to me, however, if for some reason you remove all users from the Local Administrators group on a PC, I'm going to guess there is nothing you can do to fix the problem. I would have hoped that Windows would tell you (I'm, that's the last Admin account, you really don't want to do this) but perhaps not. Never tried it. ;)

So that's the real issue here. If there's no local admin, there's no way to promote an account into that group. Perhaps You will need to do a Refresh and see if that resets the Local Admin group. 

Start with the Refresh (If you have permissions to do so) http://www.groovypost.com/howto/perform-a-clean-install-of-windows-10-using-the-refresh-tool/

If the refresh won't work, you will need to do a full Reset. That's covered in that article as well.

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2 hours ago, holdum333 said:

Hi @cidi Have a look here and see if this can help you with your issue. Maybe other forum members will reply latter! Please read the warning i posted in red, before you use the method described in my HTG link below!

The account is created in Windows 10, 8, 7, or Vista, but since it’s not enabled you can’t use it. If you are troubleshooting something that needs to run as administrator, you can enable it with a simple command.

Note: You really shouldn’t use this account for anything other than troubleshooting. In fact, you probably shouldn’t use it at all.


Fraid you cannot use that because you have to access it from an elevated Administrator cmd prompt "run as administrator" to use it. Like Steve and Gary I can't see how Windows would let you do that because there has to be at least one Admin account on the system to run as far as I know.

One thing I have noticed in Windows 10 is that when you have multiple users it always comes up to the last one used, so is it possible you didn't delete it but simply cannot find it

because you were using a standard user  last time?

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Hi! I agree! With both the posts made above. If you can't get to "run as administrator in cmd prompt as the HTG thread states, then the-hidden-administrator-account will probably not work for you. Then your only recourse IMHO; if you want to continue running W10, would be to try a refresh and if that doesn't work, a reset as @Steve  has suggested. My advise in the future is to learn how use a 3rd party image back up program like Macrium Reflect, and then you won't have to worry about these kind of problems. I'm sure @Rich-M will back me up on the importance of learning how to create back up images of your OS on a regular basis . The best offense you can have is a back up image of your OS on a external drive.

PS @Rich-M makes a good point that you may be using a standard user account! Nice catch Rich!

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That would create a chicken and egg situation. You would have to be Administrator in order to remove it.

That said, I would recommend you try performing a repair upgrade to see if it will restore the account.

Step 1, download Windows 10 ISO, mount it.

Step 2, start the installation, then choose the option to Keep your personal files, apps and settings (this should be automatically selected for you).

The repair upgrade should restore the default Admin account.

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