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Authy 2 Factor Authentication Codes Not working - Time Issue

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This morning when I was trying to login to email, I found that none of my Authy codes were working. Turns out my box was two minutes ahead of all my other devices. Restarted the TIME service and the clock is back in sync and everything is happy.

Just something to keep in mind if you ever have Two Factor Authentication issues with Google Authenticator or Authy.


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Guest Edwin009

Hello Steve,

Thank you for sharing information about the "Two Factor Authentication".
I would also like to add another point. Even after trying the steps that you mentioned, if the issue persists(time keeps changing), you may need to change the CMOS battery. Once you change the CMOS battery, boot in BIOS and set the correct time. Once that is done, restart the computer.

Edwin S |Tech Support Team



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On 3/29/2016 at 0:38 PM, Edwin009 said:

you may need to change the CMOS battery

Is that still a thing? I have an old HP desktop that's probably.... 5? 6? years old. Never actually had to swap that battery. Is that fairly common cause it's never hit me over the past 15 years I've owned computers.

@Edwin009 -- also, please note I'm being sincere not a dick hehehe :)

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Guest Edwin009

Hello ShockerSH,


Yes, it happens. And a common message that indicates the issue with the CMOS battery is "CMOS Checksum bad" at start up.

And I totally believe you when you say that you never had to do that. (Rule Number 1 in tech support that i follow: Customer is always right. If he is wrong, refer rule number 1).

Edwin S |Tech Support Team


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