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Lost a lot of hard drive space after Windows 10 Upgrade

Guest bbrennerxx

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Guest bbrennerxx

After upgrading to Windows 10 from Windows 8 I lost a lot of space on my hard drive like 700GIG does anyone know why or is this normal, Bad part is I am not the greatest on a computer

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First - Welcome to the forum @bbrennerxx

Now to your question -- no, that is NOT normal. 700 Gigs.... wow that's a little crazy. Some of us lost 20-40gigs but not 700. 

First thing I would do is look in all the obvious places. Read this article as @Brian explains where Windows likes to store a bunch of temp files:

  1. http://www.groovypost.com/howto/get-drive-space-after-windows-10-update/
  2. http://www.groovypost.com/howto/delete-restore-points-windows-10-reclaim-disk-space/

Next, I would try to figure out if you have other files you don't need which you can delete. The best way to find Drive hogging files and folders is to use one of these two free tools. Both are great and I've been using them for years. 

Hard Drive Disk Space Mapping Tools:

  1. http://www.groovypost.com/howto/microsoft/vista/easily-report-hard-drive-utilization-for-windows-machines/
  2. http://www.groovypost.com/howto/reviews/windirstat-file-tracker-review/

Either will do the job. Both are safe to use.

Keep us updated!

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