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Steve K.

Win10 Staff
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Everything posted by Steve K.

  1. A lot of great info here as well: http://www.groovypost.com/howto/recover-lost-windows-password/
  2. You did the right thing for sure. When things get that nasty, really the only thing you can do to ensure the box is clean is to just salvage what data you can and start fresh with a Reset. Too many times I've seen ppl try to clean up a box then a few days/weeks later are right back where they were! Thanks for sharing the adventure @Rich-M! -S
  3. This week @adacosta wrote up a nice tip on How to Upload your iPhone/iPad Camera Roll to OneDrive. Mike, one of our readers was having issues: After a quick conversation, it turns out Mike was deleting photos from the OneDrive App vs. the Native Photos app on his iPhone. So -- just wanted to remind everyone that the OneDrive Sync is "One" direction. In other words, the photos will sync from iPhone -> Onedrive but not the other direction. This is important because if you're like me, I use the process outlined by Andre to ensure all my iOS devices are backed up and protected on OneDrive -- just incase I lose my phone or delete the photos by accident or run out of HD space on the iPhone or iPad and need to delete the photos quickly. Questions? Does anyone else use the Camera Upload feature of OneDrive on your mobile? -S
  4. What have you tried so far? Have you tried a reinstall of KMPlayer?
  5. What is your favorite features of Macrium? I keep hearing about it. Curious what you feel is the best points of it? Perhaps it's worth a closer look on our main blog.
  6. Not a bad idea at all. What I used to do.... is keep my main drive Mirrored with an External. Each month (or when I remembered...), I would swap the external drive with a spare I kept in my Fireproof safe. The Mirror would take a bit to SYNC up again but it was an easy way for me to keep a nice backup of my system. This system fell apart a bit when I ran out of drive space (thanks to 3 kids and a few Terabytes of photos...). Anyway, now I'm using Crashplan and SmugMug to backup things. It's not perfect but, it works for me.
  7. You bet! Right now the main thing I'm working on with the forum is getting it to HTTPS. Pretty straight forward. Will also be working on some new logos etc... I'm also looking to add Single-Sign-On with Microsoft accounts (outlook.com). It's not as simple as I was hoping so that is taking a bit more time. So pretty low priority stuff but, good for the community. Thanks guys! -S
  8. Yes - You can get a key here: https://www.microsoftstore.com/store/msusa/en_US/home
  9. Hey guys! Yes - There was a name change. From the very start, I was never a huge fan of "Windows10Forums.com". A little long and a lot of other sites who also go by those types of names. Windows10.Help -- Hopefully, the name says it all. Over the coming weeks, I'm still working on customizing the site a bit more and getting us moved over to a full HTTPS site as well. Plenty to get as we get our new community up and running! Thanks, -S
  10. Unless something changed with the Anniversary update, the article is accurate.
  11. Heya @RandySea - Don't ask me why Windows does the things it does sometimes. Remember, the DEV's are not perfect so BUGS will persist no matter how new the OS. Anyway - what I would probably do is go around the User UI and go directly into User Manager and Groups. Login as Admin (Randy3) Press Win+X Click Computer Management Click Local users and Groups Click Users Right Click Randy2 > Click Delete Re-Create the account again and make them an admin. You can do this via the normal Account GUI or, from Local users and Groups UI where you nuked the old account. Just recreate the user and add it back to the Administrators group. So, not a WHY but at least a way to get back to where you were before the issue.
  12. @Vadim Windows 10 by default denies local login for the GUEST account. You need to go into your GPEDIT and edit the local Group Policy on the box and allow the Guest account to login locally. That said, there is still what appears to be a BUG where the Windows Explorer will crash when the Gues account tries to login. I mentioned that above. Microsoft will likely fix this issue soon. So for now, just create a new user, Call it Visitor, Drop it into the GUEST group, and you should be golden. -S
  13. You're welcome. Yeah, this Forum platform is top notch. Really love it.
  14. What kind of files are they? What are the file extensions? .docx? .pdf? I can't imagine an upgrade of the OS would impact other files on the drive. Something else might be going on. Perhaps you lost the association of those file types with the correct app needed to open them.
  15. Welcome to the site @bassfisher6522 - that's a great point. I've actually been meaning to create a default menu item for that. I think I captured what you're looking for and created it in the default menu. The search will pull up: New Posts since Last Visit Include Unread Posts Only Include Topics, Blog Posts, Articles For now, I've placed it in the Activity menu. I welcome feedback on that. Also, note that under that Activity menu item, you have a My Activity section where you can create custom searches also. Pretty simple yet powerful.
  16. That might work @Profiler however, you will need to do that programmatically. Might be possible? Not sure. Another option @Rajesh Ramtere may be to execute the app or a script to call the App using the RUNAS command at startup...? runas /profile /user:domain\adminaccount “cscript.exe \”C:\Documents and Settings\admin\Scripts\launchapp.vbs”\” ?
  17. Sounds like you're trying to do something MS doesn't want you to do. Perhaps a security concern or??? Task Scheduler may work, using a trigger. Could also perhaps create the app as a Windows Service to auto-start. Sorry I'm not more help.
  18. Yeah... it's a bit more than I've ever experienced. Granted, my Mac seems to get an update often as well (although not always a BIOS/FIRMWARE update...). I probably exaggerated a big on every 60 days but it seems like it sometimes. Probably closer to... every 3-4 months I get an update. Here's the Change history on the BIOS. Scroll to the bottom and notice a few of the notes from Lenovo on the update. Just looking at a few of the latest updates, you can see Security is one of the main items they address... <2.74> UEFI: 2.74 / ECP: 1.06 -[Important] Update includes security fixes. <2.73> UEFI: 2.73 / ECP: 1.06 - (New) Updated the CPU microcode. - (New) Updated the Computrace module to 945_VN. <2.72> UEFI: 2.72 / ECP: 1.06 - [Important] Fixed security vulnerability (LEN-2015-002, LEN-3556 and other fixes). (Note) If the UEFI BIOS has been updated to version 2.64 or higher, it is no longer able to roll back to the version before 2.64 for security improvement. <2.71> UEFI: 2.71 / ECP: 1.06 - [Important] Added support for Microsoft Windows 10 64bit. <2.71> UEFI: 2.71 / ECP: 1.06 - [Important] Mitigate risk of security vulnerability related to DRAM Row Hammering. - (New) Updated the Diagnostics module to version 2.06.00.
  19. Ah no worries. What I meant was -- ASUS motherboard, NVidia Video Card, Intel CPU, 3rd Party eSata Card(s), Broadcom NIC, 3rd Party Sound Card / Video Capture Card, TV Signal Input, etc... etc.... Normally when I used to build a system, I would buy the best components for each part. Typical when building a custom box. Never had an issue with this however, it "could" add to the complexity with updates in the future vs. going with a pre-built Lenovo or Dell where it's all integrated and tested. Granted, the trade-off is a pre-built box will cost more and usually limit your upgrade options in the future. If you're not a hardware geek, I recommend a pre-built for most home users. If you're a gamer and like to have full control over your box, case, upgrades, I say go custom. Did that answer your question?
  20. What is the app you're trying to run? Did you create it or did you purchase/download it? What does the app do? What is its purpose? If it's your own app, we can't help you most likely. You will need to debug the issue and drop logs and error code to track what you're doing wrong. The OS is obviously not happy with what you're trying to do. If it's a purchased/downloaded app, I would make sure you have the latest copy, it's compatible with Windows 10 and if all else fails, go back to the site/company you got it from and work with its support dept.
  21. It really depends on the situation. If you're running on a home built box with a variety of components you mismatched into a single system, (CPU, MB, Video Card etc...), you should be cautious when updating each component at the BIOS/FIRMWARE level. However, if you're running a prebuilt desktop of laptop (Dell, Lenovo, HP etc...), many of these hardware manufacturers regularly provide Firmware/Bios updates in order to make a system compatible with the latest OS (like Windows 10), fix bugs or add new features. These updates include everything from enabling a system so it can run Hyper-V for a few Guest OSs to fixing video cards so they work with Windows 10 drivers. Is there still a possibility a failed BIOS update can cause an issue? Yes. However, in my 20 years of experience, I have never run into a problem, and I've updated the BIOS on a countless number of boxes during my tech and home career. Probably over 1000+ desktops and servers. For example, I have a Lenovo X1 Carbon and the first time I installed Windows 10 on it, I was almost dead in the water. My Video, Network and Docking Station was not working correctly. Using WIFI, I managed to scan the Lenovo site and found they added Windows 10 support to the X1 after a BIOS update. I flashed the system using the Lenovo Provided ThinkVantage System Update which watches all Drivers and the BIOS and notifies me when I need to update. After the flash, all was good. Since then, Lenovo updates the BIOS/Firmware on the laptop every 60 days or so. I always take the update. The same example applies to a Mac or iPhone. Each time Apple updates your device, the also update the BIOS. Even my ASUS Wifi Router at home is updated monthly with a BIOS flash. Precautions Like @Rich-M mentioned, you want to make sure you never interrupt a system while it's updating its BIOS. If it's a laptop, make sure you have a full charge and keep it plugged into power while it's updating. If it's a desktop, make sure there's no kids around who might power it off while updating and there's little chance your home will lose power. Like anything, everyone's situation may be different. Out of the 1 Billion computers out there, will some of them brick while updating BIOS? Probably yes. Will it be you? I hope not. Has it ever happened to me? No. Then again, nowadays I only buy new HW from Apple, Dell and Lenovo and they all have specific tools for updating the computer components. So far, so good...
  22. Well, the "User Right Assignments" specified for the Guest account under Windows 10 do make the Guest account a bit more restricted than the "Standard" account. For example, the Guest account is denied by default Accessing other Windows Computers from the Network. That said, it's really not much of a difference, to be honest. Standard accounts won't be able to access any files under other profiles or gain access to other sensitive system areas. Just don't make it a Admin. My recommendation is to just create a Standard account called Visitor, throw on a PW if you want (perhaps one that matches your Guest WIFI SSID) and let it roll. Really, this is the best option for now being that even in the latest builds, the GUEST account is broken with the dreaded "Shell Infrastructure has stopped working" bug.
  23. @merrillmack Groovy! Glad the team could help.
  24. Heya @merrillmack - Yeah, that makes sense. So I can't solve your EXACT request, but perhaps I can get you 80% there. Windows 10 allows you to only add certain folders to your start menu however, you are allowed to Right-Click on a folder and click Pin to Start from the context menu. Once you do this, the folder will show up as a Start Tile which you can move around. So not perfect, but good enough?
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