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Black Screen. Can't boot into safe mode either


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I've been having some issues lately with the computer freezing when I try to log into Chrome. Chrome woukd take hours to load and when it finally did, Chrome did so with an error about user preferences not being able to be read and there was an error with my user profile. 

Now, I can't even boot my computer up. I just get a black screen afyer the HP logo and if happens when i rry to boot safe mode with nstworking, too. Please help. I'm late to send out a proposal as it is.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi @kai - welcome to the site!

Well, bad news is by the sounds of what you described above, sounds like you have a bad hard drive. If you're able to get it to boot again, launch EVENTVWR and check the System Log. I bet you will see a lot of errors about the Drive failing.

Not a lot you can do from here other than getting another drive and swapping them out. 

Do you have a backup?


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Do you have any USB devices connected especially wireless dongle for mouse/keyboard or external hard drives? If so disconnect & reboot to see if things progress.
If not restart the computer & when the HP logo appears force shutdown, do this three times & see if repair appears, there you can try to repair the startup/boot.

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