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can I create two administrator accounts, one with limited rights and other with full? And how?

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I would like to create two administrator user profiles, one with complete control and one configured with (at least) two limitations:

1) the inability to move, delete, or otherwise modify executables (or other files, as needed); plan on doing that through making the primary administrator control a given file, and then assigning lesser rights to the secondary administrator.

2) the inability to enter safe mode, modify the registry, or change the time.

I want to give the primary administrator complete rights, so if something happens backup etc. is accessible.

1) First, need to know if it is possible (and won't screw up my system).

2) If it is, can this be done safely, and through group policy?

3) Also, can both users share the same programs, file settings, etc.?

I currrently have Win 10 x64 Home, but am planning to upgrade (the free, fully functional--but nagging) Win 10 Pro to use group policy--it has it, right?

I read that older versions of Windows allowed you to create a "superuser" profile with advanced properties; if I can't do this in Windows 10, would it be advisable to go back to Win 8 (or whatever version supported that feature)?

Thank you!

Edited by onenil
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Hi onenil! Welcome to the forum! You may get more replies from other members latter. This is the best that I could come up with. I would think you could do any thing in W10 that you did with W8. I don't know why anyone would want to rollback to W8(Yuk). When ever I'm doing things like this, I always create a back up image of my OS, so that I restore my OS exactly like it was the day I created the image. IMHO as long as you maintain full administrative rights, you should be able to undue any other profiles that you create!  I say should be able. There doesn't seem to be a 100% on any thing Computer related LOL!

See if this link helps!


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Gary I was forced to use Windows 8.1 on my Sony Laptop as it ran like a turtle in Windows 10 with the Upgrade and same for clean install. That laptop is a Gen4 Intel cpu with 16 Gb ram and an ssd drive so there is no reason it should have been slower than a netbook but I could not solve it so I went back. Has to be some incompatible hardware thart just would not show up.

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2 hours ago, Rich-M said:

Gary I was forced to use Windows 8.1 on my Sony Laptop as it ran like a turtle in Windows 10 with the Upgrade and same for clean install. That laptop is a Gen4 Intel cpu with 16 Gb ram and an ssd drive so there is no reason it should have been slower than a netbook but I could not solve it so I went back. Has to be some incompatible hardware thart just would not show up.

You might want to give it another try after the anniversary up grade next month. You may be right that it's incompatible! Sounds strange that it would be slow! Computers are weird! LOL


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1 hour ago, Rich-M said:

I know they will fix these issues because the day will come when this is the only show in town and it cannot be like it is now.

I don't know what to say or how to comment to the above. If there were as many people having problems with W10 as you say there are, there would be protests in the streets!;) It will never be the only show in town and no one knows what the future will bring!

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Hi! I'm thinking maybe they might register on a help forum like this one or the sister forum and post issues they are having with W10.

Is W10 perfect? No! Do some users have problems up grading? Yes. Is it MS fault some times? Yes. Is it the users fault some times? Yes

If you have a issue, please post it on the forum and maybe someone here will have a suggestion for you.

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