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Microsoft just upgraded my Win7 to 10 they just did it.

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I was working with video files from a Garmin dashcam on my Win7 system,and out of no where computer was shutting down, then it restarted installing Win10. Never was i asked anything, they just upgraded my Win7 ASUS tablet to a Win10 system.

It's working so i will test if all my cameras and camcorders along with printers, still are being found.

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I have Win10 on two other ASUS Computers, and in the beginning things were not great,but as they made updates to the system things started working better.

So i am going to do some testing, i already found it would find my Sony Camcorder and i could download a video file and view it.

So far it's passing my tests, so time will tell if it will keep working.

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I just heard on the news that many others are being upgraded, from Win7 to Win10 without people asking for the upgrade. 

Just like what happened to me. So it's not just a random item Microsoft is pushing it on many Win7 holdouts.

Myself i am not unhappy as i really feel today Win10, has been fixed from the many early problems and as the newest Win. System it should be used.

Edited by ralph blake
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi New to the forum! I have found that using a 3rd party back up image program comes in real handy for these kind of things.

Of course you have 30 days to roll back to your previous OS. 

Here's what I did! I created a image of my W7 OS. Then I upgraded to W10 and created a back up image of W10. Now I have the option to restore  W7 or W10. I can roll back and forth when ever I choose.

I use the freeware program Macrium Reflect to create my back up images. I really like W10 so will stay with it, but I can always restore back to W7!

PS there are a lot of 3rd party freeware image programs you can down load! learn how to use one and you will never be sorry you spent the time!


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On 6/8/2016 at 11:32 AM, ralph blake said:

I just heard on the news that many others are being upgraded, from Win7 to Win10 without people asking for the upgrade. 

Just like what happened to me. So it's not just a random item Microsoft is pushing it on many Win7 holdouts.

Myself i am not unhappy as i really feel today Win10, has been fixed from the many early problems and as the newest Win. System it should be used.


Well, it's too late for a lot of people, but Microsoft is FINALLY putting in a decline button on the Get Windows 10 nag screen:


Did you end up rolling your PC back to the previous OS?


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