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Are .tiff files (images) not supported in oneDrive ?


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Dear Forum,

I am currently testing the free version of Onedrive, planning scan and upload a number of old photos.

However, I seem to have an issue with the format of the photos. Scanning them with my Canon Lide400 scanner and storing the scanned images as .TIFF they do now display correctly in oneDrive. When I upload a folder with .TIFF images and later try view them either as "album" of in the  "file view" , when I click on one image in the folder it seems to freeze briefly before displaying the photo as "1 of 1" photos, i.e. I am not able to sweep to view the pictures in the folder or album. In order to view the next photo I need to go back to the thumbnail view and then scroll down to the next photo, then repeat the process. Having it like this it really impractical to have a huge number of photos in oneDrive.

Tested with another format, and when I scan and store as JGPs  before upload, I do not have this issue.

Does anyone know why this happens? is it something with the .TIFF format that microsoft does not like? A scanned TIFF image is about 5MB, whereas a PGP is 500 kB, but I have not read anything about file size limitations in onedrive.  The same pictures are displayed correctly in google images ...


Hope someone can help with this...




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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi @doneirik -- I can confirm that OneDrive does support TIF (AKA TIFF) files. Microsoft also publishes that TIF files are supported with OneDrive as well. 

I did some testing on my own and I'm not having the same issues with TIF either. I can upload the files, create an album out of them etc. Granted, in my test, I created the TIF using Snagit and saved both an uncompressed version (TIF Uncompressed RGB) and a compressed version (TIF LZQ RGB) to make sure it wasn't an issue with compression.

Here's the upload of the two files:


and here's the files in an album:



Regarding file size limitations, here's the latest from Microsoft re: OneDrive:


Note: OneDrive.com can only show thumbnails or image previews if the image size is less than 112 MB (approximately 12000 x 8000 pixels).

What I would try is, during the scan, try to get your printer/scanner to not use TIF. The files are just massive... Try to use PDF or jpeg instead.

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