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Posts posted by holdum333

  1. Hi @gus I'm not here to argue with you! I posted my thoughts about Windows updates. You are entitled to your thoughts. I don't know of any tech giving false hopes that all you need, is to keep your windows updates current to prevent you from getting infected. I have never said that. I don't know which Malware school you are attending, but I have never see one that recommends not installing Windows updates. I'm very curious to which Malware school you are attending. I run windows defended and MBAM in real time and I have windows updates set to install automatic!;) I fully agree with you that safe surfing is your best defense against malware I also recommend a AV program that is fully updated. IMHO Windows defender will get the job done running W10 and MBAM pro will give you a second level of protection. Not my first rodeo @gus

    Welcome to the forum!

    11 minutes ago, gus said:

    Sure in some circumstances updates can contribute to system security, and most in the scheme of things probably do.

    My time at Malware school to date has demonstrated to me that users habits, along with inappropriate software, and inadequate security software would be the main contributors to becoming infected with malware, and not because of a missing windows update.


  2. We all have our thoughts about windows up dates. I will not speak for @Profiler or @Steve but IMHO,windows updates are for very good reasons. I see infected PCs all the time in my village.

    If you read @Profiler's post more carefully, you will see that that he does not recommend not installing updates. Nor does @Steve.

    Here's what HTG says about Windows updates!;)

    Exactly how many computers were affected by these problems? We don’t have any good data that tells us this, but it’s a minuscule percentage of people. On the other hand, there are millions and millions of computers that are part of botnets, often because they refused to install security updates and ended up infected. Some people have estimated that 500 million computers each year become part of botnets. Far, far fewer computers than that experience problems with updates.

    Spend any time at all on the Internet and you’ll realize that malware is a much bigger problem than Windows Update breaking computers. One is very rare — and can be fixed with System Restore or a similar recovery feature if it ever happens — while one is much more common and can result in the theft of your important data.









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  3. 4 hours ago, James George said:

    When I navigated to the following it shows windows is activated. So to be digitily entiltled what should I do? Also when I upgraded from 8.1 to 10 there is a folder called windows old. What should I do with it? I thinkit is kept for recovery. Is it?

    Yes It is the roll back! Read about it here at groovypost!


    4 hours ago, James George said:

    My system perfomance is weak especially at the satrtup time. I think it is due to the folder windows old. Is it?

    No!  But you can delete it if you're sure you don't want to roll back to your old OS, but I don't think it will improve startup times. You might give this a try. It's a trusted freeware by MBAM(Malwarebytes)


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  4. Hi @dusabrive I have read your post 5 times and I have to admit, I'm totally confused. If you have a folder on a external drive and it's the one you want to keep, where is the problem?  If I have a folder on my External hard drive and I want to restore it to my computer, I simply right click and send it to documents, or in your case send it to your desk top. My choice would be to send the folder to my documents! Sorry If I haven't understood what you're trying to do. I seldom drag and drop. I copy and paste as Cindy recommended or right click and send the data where I want it.

    Hope this screen shot helps!



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  5. Hi @allheart55 (Cindy E) Thanks for joining in on this post and helping. After reading the post several times. I'm wondering about all this renaming and  dragging. Also where is the original file. Are you saying that you have a copy of this file on a external drive and you want to copy it again to a external drive??

    2 hours ago, dusabrive said:

     Long story short, I've made numerous copies, attempted to drag them manually to the external hard drive (E),  wasn't able to do it, renamed them and then dragged them back to the desktop and now I have a problem I can't sovle.


  6. Hi @dusabrive I think you are saying you have a folder on your desktop that you want to copy to a external drive??

    I have never attempted to drag some thing from the desk top to a external drive. I usually right click on it and then click send to the external drive. Can you open the file to see what's in it?? It sounds like the file doesn't exist !

    I'm a little confused when you say one is on your C drive and one is on your external  E drive, and then you mention you're trying to drag one from your desktop and get a error??

  7. Hi! @James George Here are my thoughts and others may not agree with me. If you only have 50 kbps down load, W10 may not be for you.

    You stated that you had Windows 10 before, but had to roll back to W8.1 due to crashes. IMHO that is not a good sign. Sense I don't know what were causing your crashes, and I'm not going to speculate. Here's what I am saying however. Make sure you can roll back to what you have now by creating a image of your OS, or have some way to get back to the OS you are now running. You sated you must get W10 at any cost. My question to you,"What does that mean"? You also stated you are a former W10 user. How did you obtain W10 before and if it was causing crashes, why would you want to run W10 again?? I'm sorry for all the questions, but I really want to help you and give you the best advise that I know.;)

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  8. Hi! @James George No you can not use that link to down load the anniversary addition. I don't know of a way that you can pause and resume the upgrade. As @ShockerSH has explained, If you have a legit license for W8.1 You can upgrade it to W10 for free until the end of July. The anniversary addition will install through Windows up dates.  My advise is to down load the MCT to a flash drive or ISO file.



    Hi! @James George Here's a excellent blog from groovypost. You should read this and then if you have more questions you can post them and someone will try to answer your questions.



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  9. Hi! @joyce I agree it should be simple, but I haven't found it yet. I never really thought about it before. Maybe another member will have some suggestions latter. I change the font when using notepad and that's easy, I can change it here. I can change colors, but the black doesn't seem to change that much!xD I can change to Trebuch and make it blacker here on the forum. I'll keep searching. Welcome to the forum!

  10. Hi @joyce Welcome to the forum. You may get more replies from other forum members latter. I sure you are aware of holding down CTRL and tapping + to enlarge and CTRL and tapping - to decrease the size of the text. Not sure about how to change it to black. I'll do some searching and get back if someone here doesn't answer.

    PS It's alright to complain on this forum.xD

  11. Hey @Profiler I have heard that story from a lot of PC users. If you're a safe surfer and experienced, you probably will be just fine.

    However W10 does not allow you to turn the updates off for the home addition. I don't know why?? I have heard other stories from users that they don't even use a AV program, and I'm guessing they get by just fine. I'm going to allow windows updates and I'm going to run Windows Defender and MBAM in real time.

    I'm also going to have a current back up image of my OS on a external drive when things get out of hand. ;)

    Welcome my friend from Aussie land!


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