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Everything posted by holdum333

  1. Yuppers Team work is always good!! Thanks for your support old friends!
  2. Hi There I feel compelled to create a thread about flashing the BIOS. In my opinion it gets thrown around to lightly. When should you flash the BIOS? I could use my own words, but I'm going to steal some from @Brian Burgess Updating or flashing the BIOS is different from other updates and IMHO should be done only when all else has failed. I'm going to steal this from Brian's blog and then add his link to this thread. @Brian Burgess will warn you what can happen and then give you all the facts you need to flash the BIOS if that's what you decide to do. If you have any thing to add to this thread, I welcome all comments. @Brian Burgess writes for groovypost! Important: Updating your BIOS can be tricky and isn’t for the faint of heart. If you’re not a power user, or comfortable messing with it, don’t. If you install the wrong thing, or if something were to go wrong during the update, you can completely brick your PC. I have actually seen it where you can’t even boot from a recovery drive to restore the system. You’ll definitely want to take all the precautions before messing with your BIOS like creating a bootable Windows SD card or flash drive and/or a system image backup…make sure all of your important data is backed up to an external drive and an offsite location using a service like CrashPlan…you can never be too careful. http://www.groovypost.com/howto/find-computer-bios-version-easy-way/
  3. Heya @Rich-M Don't know the make and model of the PC the poster is running. I had this posted earlier, but it got deleted. May not work but, but i will post it anyway! Press 2 keys at the same time: "FN" (next to the CTRL key, lower-left of the keyboard) and "num lk", which is the upper-right of the keyboard (it is on the same key as "scroll", and is next to "F12"). This will either turn on or turn off the "Num Lock" function. Both the "FN" and "num lk" are enclosed in a small rectangle.
  4. @Rich-M Holdum333 has left the building and at this time I'm not sure when or if he will return. I'm very happy that W10 is working for you. Good to see you back here on the forum!
  5. Heya! Seems like some are having good luck; and liking the Anniversary Addition, just like some had good luck with the July addition. I might give it a go soon ! Just like the first upgrade, the MCT seems to be the best way to upgrade the anniversary update! Hopefully good old Macrium Reflect will bail me out if it goes south!. I'm thinking a lot has to do with the way your PC is maintained. I'm thinking that these are all good things from groovypost to check before trying to down load the update! These are good things to check any time IMHO! http://www.groovypost.com/howto/10-things-check-before-installing-windows-10/ http://www.groovypost.com/howto/fix-most-common-windows-10-setup-errors-issues/
  6. Heya Cindy! Thanks for your link. I'm thinking I may wait also! You think maybe MS is trying to aggravate Windows users! Just kidding Cindy! Thanks for the above post. I guess I have the anniversary update on a USB flash then, but I haven't tried it yet. I always have a back up image of my OS with Macrium Reflect, but I only have one PC and even though Macrium has saved me before, there is no guarantee it would if this update goes bad! If you know what I mean! Thanks for your post and the information my friend!
  7. Hi There! I'm always wondering and thinking about these things. Now I'm wondering if the W10 update (July 29) has been extended for two weeks and if it has; will a Windows 7.1 or 8.1 user be able to skip it and go directly to the anniversary addition. That would be cool. I have heard rumors but I have not been able to verify that is happening. Can anyone verify that may be happening??
  8. Hi Update! I just finished creating a USB flash as one of the 3 methods mentioned above. The first method did not work for me. It said I had the latest updates! Here's the details for the USB flash. Does this look right and is it the anniversary update?? Waiting for a reply before I try the MCT flash! Thanks!
  9. Hi @Steve K. Haven't tried all 3 methods. Thanks will give that a better look. Just scanned through it. I really want to create the USB flash so that I'll have it for trouble shooting latter. That is the way I would like to upgrade to the Anniversary addition! Thanks Steve!
  10. Hi There! I tried to install the anniversary up date today. No luck! Error code 0X80070057! Started a thread here on the forum, waiting for more solutions. Here's my thread! http://windows10forum.com/topic/461-windows-anniversary-august-2-update/#comment-1647 @Profiler has commented so far. Waiting for others!
  11. OK ! Thanks @Profiler I have been looking for a ISO that will allow me to create a USB flash. That's how I upgraded to W10. My DVD drive isn't working and I would really like to create the flash if I could find it! PS I'll probably just wait until Windows updates installs the Anniversary update. I thought I would install it early, but I'm not going to put up with MS's BS. I would give the anniversary flash a try if I could find it. I'm wondering if staff would comment on this?? @Steve K. @adacosta What are your thoughts?? Thanks!
  12. HI! Here's where the "Learn More" Took me. I followed the steps, but the update wouldn't complete and gave me the error code. https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/12387/windows-10-update-history?ocid=update_setting_client
  13. Heya @Profiler Good to see you back here. I'll see if I can explain what I done. First i clicked on "Check for Updates" It said "your devise is up to date" Then I clicked on "Learn more" and that took me to the link in my above post. It went through several sages and looked like it was going to install, but stopped and gave me the error 0X80070057. Researching that didn't turn up much. I haven't tried burning a ISO yet. Here's one of the stages it went through before I got the error! I didn't create a screen shot of the error.
  14. HI There! Has anyone had any luck installing the Windows Anniversary update. Here's what I'm trying, and I get error 0X80070057! https://blogs.windows.com/windowsexperience/2016/08/02/how-to-get-the-windows-10-anniversary-update/
  15. Hi Alex! I had that error "the source was not found" one time, but I don't remember how I got around it. Using a system image was a good idea. Glad to hear you got your file system sorted out. That can cause a lot of problems. I just got a new seagate 1TB external drive from staples. It was on sale for 59$. I haven't tried upgrading to the anniversary addition yet. Waiting for everyone to get the bugs out . I'll have a current image handy when I do upgrade. I've heard that there's not that much in the anniversary update. I'm in no hurry for it. My W10 is working well. I spend a lot of time on the groovy's sister forum. Haven't heard any thing there about the anniversary update. Would love to see you on the help forum. Thanks for your reply! Forums - Windows 10 Forum
  16. Hi There! I'll let @adacosta help you with the anniversary update. One precaution I always suggest when doing any major changes to your PC is to create a back up image of your OS. Then you have a easy way to get back where you started. Why do you think you have some corrupt system files?? You say you tried sfc /scannow and DISM commands. What were the results? Are you still showing violations when you run sfc /scannow? You may get more replies from other forum members latter!
  17. Hi! This is how I see this! Down load the program from this link that @gus provided in above posts http://www.easeus-down.com/temp/EPM_10.8_trial.exe Then go get here! http://www.partition-tool.com/giveaways/groovypost.htm Get your free key and copy and past your free key , and you should be good to go! If I have this screwed up, then @gus will correct me PS Don't wait very long. The offer is for a very short time. LOL
  18. Hey @Steve K. What did you do today? Busy Busy!. I'm trying very hard!
  19. Hi There! I also bought a new seagate 1TB external hard drive today. My old one was a dinosaur and had a couple of bad sectors. Was very large. My new seagate is about the size of a cigarette package. It was on sale at Staples for 59$ pus tax! I hope your day was more exciting then mine! PS I also down loaded and installed the free program Easeus partition mater 10.8 with the help fom @gus Thanks @gus
  20. Hi @Helixal If you've been in the registry, you probably know what you're doing and my questions may sound dumb. You said you updated the graphics driver? Can you not roll back the driver?? Do you have a restore point before your problem? Did you go to your manufacture to get the latest graphics driver. Also if you post your make and model, another member might better help you with the driver. Welcome to the forum! If all else fails! Have you thought about a in place- repair upgrade as a last result? http://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/16397-repair-install-windows-10-place-upgrade.html Here's a good read about drivers by HTG. http://www.howtogeek.com/98465/htg-explains-when-do-you-need-to-update-your-drivers/
  21. Thanks again! Now all I have to do is learn how to use it. Looks like it does lot of stuff! Have you used it before? I have never used a program like this before. All I've ever used is Disk Management. PS Sorry I'm getting off topic. I'll open another thread!
  22. Hi! @gus You are my new hero. I downloaded the program in your link. Copied and pasted the key and it worked. I have no idea what I was doing wrong , but all is good now my friend! Thank you!!
  23. Hi @gus Just tried to activate with a different Key. Same results! I don't know?? It looks like a great deal, but it's not working for me. I really appreciate your help friend!
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