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Everything posted by holdum333

  1. Hi friend! I'm not sure where you are. If you can boot into windows, have you tried reset or refresh. If you're having problems with Windows 10 on your PC, you could use push-button reset to refresh or reset Windows. Refresh your PC Fixes software problems by reinstalling the OS while preserving the user data, user accounts, and important settings. All other preinstalled customizations are restored to their factory state. In Windows 10, this feature no longer preserves user-acquired Windows apps. Reset your PC prepares the PC for recycling or for transfer of ownership by reinstalling the OS, removing all user accounts and contents (e.g. data, Classic Windows applications, and Universal Windows apps), and restoring preinstalled customizations to their factory state. I would still create a back up image before attempting the above. Are you familiar with 3rd party imaging programs? I like Macrium Reflect, but there are several good free programs out there! http://www.groovypost.com/howto/windows-10-reset-your-pc-feature/
  2. Hi ! Here's a blog by @adacosta explaining three ways to upgrade the anniversary addition! Also a blog how to ensure-a-smooth-upgrade. http://www.groovypost.com/howto/3-ways-to-upgrade-to-windows-10-anniversary-update/ http://windows10forum.com/blogs/entry/3-how-to-ensure-a-smooth-upgrade-to-windows-10-anniversary-update/
  3. Hi @Nova Vishy Welcome to the forum! I'm thinking you need the media creation tool and you may have a corrupt MCT. There are some brand of flash drives that the MCT doesn't like. I would suggest you try a PNY. I suggest at least 8 GB. I prefer the 16 GB. I have several and they work just fine. If you had W10 working, then the MCT should get you back up and running. It's always best to create a backup image before performing any major task. To late for that now. Go here and create a MCT flash. I recommend a PYN flash. Give that a try and post back. You may get more replies from other forum members latter! https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windows10/
  4. HI there! Looks like we have a bunch of visitors tonight( 31 and counting) and a couple of new members. IMHO that has to be a good sign! I try not to miss very much here! Are these all bots? It sure would be nice to know if these are bots or real guests. I do what I can to make the forum active! Who will read this post?? Members list would be nice.
  5. Hi There! Edge is supposed to be improved with the anniversary update. I haven't updated yet, but here's what ! @adacosta has to say about the update in a blog. I'm wondering if anyone has noticed a difference in Edge after the anniversary update! Surely someone here has a comment about this! http://www.groovypost.com/howto/walkthrough-list-of-the-usability-improvements-in-microsoft-edge-in-windows-10-anniversary-update/ PS This is not my first rodeo @Steve K.. I can't post on your blog @adacosta but very nice my friend!
  6. Hi There! I keep a close look on my Reliability Monitor! I haven't had any errors in 14 days. When I do get a error, I report it to MS. IMHO this helps MS make W10 a better OS with updates and patches. My performance has gotten much better then it use to be, and my thoughts are that sending my errors to MS has helped make a difference. Any way that's what I believe and I'm going to keep sending the error reports to MS. What are your thoughts? Do you use this windows tool to help you keep your PC maintained and running. Might want to give your Reliability Monitor a look and see what's going on with your PC. You may only get the error one time and if that is the case, you don't need to worry about it. However if it persists, you might want to see why you're getting the error! Here's a IE error I got . It was a one time error and so I'm not concerned. Can you beat my 14 day record of 0 errors?? Show me!
  7. Hi There ! Please create a recovery drive and a system repair DVD! There may be a day where you will need them! http://www.groovypost.com/howto/create-windows-10-usb-recovery-drive/
  8. What did I do today? I helped two lovely seniors with W10 issues. One with internet problems and one with W10 update problems. Both in the same cottage. One lap top and one tower. Both rigs were HP. I had a ball and I got hugs and I'm still smiling for what I was able to do for them. The hugs were all I needed for my effort and my time! What did you do today to make someones day a little brighter my friends? PS A little country boy friendliness is what makes help forums grow. It's not necessary what you know, but how you share it!
  9. Wow! I'm totally amazed that no one here is excited about being able to do a in-place Upgrade without losing any thing other than Windows Updates. This is some thing I have been waiting for from MS to provide for a very long time. I seem to be the only member here that is excited about this new option for W10. W10 has some other great options in their recovery mode; like reset and refresh, but this option is my favorite. I personally use a 3rd party back up image like Macrium Reflect to protect me from any major problem. I'm just a newbie and I know nothing about W10, but I love sharing what I do know and what I have learned from others! Very Strange! PS Wondering how many of you have created a recovery drive and a system repair DVD, in case you find yourself not able to boot into windows. I'm going to rest my brain now. I have done my best to make you aware of these things. That's all I can do!but I'll keep trying!
  10. Hi There! Sense this is a Lounge thread, why can't it be a thread where you can post your thoughts. What ever is on your mind, as long as you are respectful to the forum and all the members and guests . Surely some of you new, and old members have some thing to say about this forum. You that are guests will have to register before you can post. I'm thinking it's a great help forum for W10 users and It will only get better. I'm going to try my best to make this forum grow. It's already great, but it will get better. Why not register and help!
  11. Here's my thoughts tonight! I'm thinking that once MS gets all the bugs ironed out of W10, It's going to be a awesome OS. IMHO there will be very little need for malware fighters and help forums. This is 2016 and I'm expecting some big things to happen to the computer world in the next couple of years. I can already see where W10 is fixing problems that users use to have and really didn't know how to fix them. I have seen a big improvement already, and I'm betting W10 only gets better. What do you think? A little off topic , but this is just a post in the Lounge! What are your thoughts? If you're a new member, here's a thread for you to sound off on!
  12. Hi There! Is anyone watching the Olympics? What do you people do when you're not logged on here? I'm a big fan! https://www.olympic.org/
  13. Hi Sorry to hear you had a problem with the update. That is why I always advise PC users to create a back up image of your OS and save all your data to a external drive before making any drastic changes. Please post back with your progress! May I ask how you attempted the update. Was it with the windows update or with the MCT? Did you go here as @adacosta suggested in his blog! https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windows10
  14. Heya friend! You are never to late when you have some thing to add! I learned some thing about Linux tonight that I had never thought of. I use Unlocker myself. Good information about closing all programs before using Unlocker. I responded to this thread because a new member replied on it and I wanted them to feel welcome. Teamwork is a good thing!
  15. Wow I have never heard using Linux before to nuke a file. I agree unlocker is not rubbish. It's a great software! I also agree that you need to make sure the file is not necessary before you nuke it! Team work is a good thing! Thanks @gus ! Would have helped if we had known what file the OP was trying to delete! PS We can only help members if they respond to our replies!
  16. Heya @adacosta Thanks! I down loaded the Anniversary Update and have it on a PNY flash. I'm going to wait awhile before I update the anniversary addition! You are much appreciated my friend! Keep up the excellent work! I read all your blogs!
  17. Hi @Serrena Welcome to the forum. Not sure where you're going with your post?Yes some programs share DLL files and as mentioned by @ShockerSH you may not be able to delete them for your own good! sfc /scannow is a good way to check your system files for any violations!
  18. Hi ! Surely there has to be some thing that you all would like to comment on here on the forum. What do you think about your privacy that you have with Windows 10? I hear that there are a lot of PC users that think they have to give up a lot of their privacy when they upgrade to W10. A lot of complainers and Geeks trying to figure out how to keep all this information from MS. Here are my thoughts sports fans! If all this information MS is getting will protect myself; and my loved ones from some idiot that will strap on a bomb, and kill and injure a bunch of innocent people, then I'm going to leave all my W10 settings to default. I have nothing to hide. The internet has become a cesspool for terrorists and those that want to destroy my country. I have never seen any thing like what's happening in my 78 years. There is so much hate and violence. It's a sad time and IMHO it will only get worse until we wake up, and love each other and realize that we all may have our different ways, but love will conquer all the evil if we stop hating those that are different from us! That won't be easy to do, but we have to try! Here's a good link ! http://www.anti-abuse.org/some-general-thoughts-on-privacy/
  19. Hi There! Here's the way I do A Repair Install of Windows 10 with a In-place Upgrade! First I created a Media Creation Tool flash drive. I prefer a PNY flash drive. I recommend at least 8GB. The MCT now contains the Anniversary update. (That is my understanding) https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windows10/ Connect and open the USB flash drive, and run the setup.exe file to start Windows 10 Setup. (see screenshot below) Follow the set up Wizard! If you have a better way or can explain this better, please post here ! Before you get started doing a repair install of Windows 10, be sure that you temporarily disable secure boot in your UEFI firmware settings. Once installation has finished, you can enable Secure Boot again if you like. System Protection will be reset to the default of being turned off. It is recommended to turn on system restore after the repair install has finished to have restore points. You will lose any custom fonts. You will lose any customized system icons. You may need to re-establish your Wi-Fi connection. You will need to redo Windows updates subsequent to the build you have used for the repair install. Windows.old will be created. You will need to redo any language downloads including the display language if you changed that.
  20. Hi There! Has anyone tried a Repair Install of Windows 10 with an In-place Upgrade You can do a repair install of Windows 10 by performing an in-place upgrade without losing anything other than all installed Windows Updates! I would really like to see a blog on how to perform this W10 option by one of our blog writers here on the forum. Thanks! PS I tried it once a long time ago and only had to reinstall two Apps and Windows Updates! It seemed to act like the first time I upgraded to W10.
  21. Heya! Here's a update on my Reliability Monitor. I seem to be doing much better with my Computer performance. My thinking is that MS is doing a great job with the W10 Updates and that's helping. What do think think?? I think that W10 will be the best OS that MS ever built! I'm a big fan of W10 at this moment. That may change in the future. LMAO. You don't have to use Reliability Monitor; but IMHO, you're missing out on a great MS tool! Heya @Steve K. Would really like to hear your comments!
  22. Heya ! @adacosta I suggested the MCT in my post. I hope it's not to late for the poster! I hoping also that the poster was able to get the free W10 upgrade. PS Thanks for all your blogs. I used them in my response. I read everyone of them. Team work is good IMHO!
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