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Steve K.

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Everything posted by Steve K.

  1. Follow these steps. Granted, your mileage may vary... 1 - Call your ISP at least annually. Tell them: My bill is way too high. I'm going to move to XYZ competitor. They have new customer specials and I'm going to save a ton. 2 - Customer service will usually transfer you to another department in order to retain you. 3 - Repeat #1 to new Rep. 4 - Rep will usually say something like "Oh, well how about we lower your bill and give you new customer pricing?" That's the standard story for most service providers.... Hi @Rich-M -- Nope, not a mistake. I'm running on Frontier FIOS (Fiber). Formerly Verizon FIOS. Frontier bought out the services from Verizon a few years back. So I have Fiber going to my house. Unlike Cable, it's not a shared connection. I get the full 100mpbs Up/Down. Um... well, my TV, Phone and Internet are all bundled into a single bill. I think I pay like $172 for all 3. So, if you were to separate my Internet, I think it's around..... $75 a month?
  2. Steve K.

    Amazon Sale

    Great point @ShockerSH. Just updated the article @Brian wrote a few days back. http://www.groovypost.com/news/amazon-prime-day-sale-event-returns-july-12th/
  3. ISP: Frontier Communications (FIOS) Location: Kirkland, WA Just upgraded last month. Called my ISP, doubled my speed and got my bill dropped by 30%. A good reminder to call your ISP from time-to-time. -S
  4. Heya - Let me take a look and see how long ppl can edit posts. Will update you back here in a few hours - meetings all morning so I can't get to it for a few.
  5. Steve K.

    Amazon Sale

    Aye - looking forward to the sale next week on the 12th. I'm a huge Amazon Prime fan. Will see what comes of the Prime Sale.
  6. Microsoft discontinued the "Microsoft Money" home finance app. When the did so, they posted the latest version for free which is what you linked to. This thread is about how-to get it working on Windows 10.
  7. Looks like you got it working? Yes?
  8. So how does that work? Are you backing up to an external hard drive or does it go offsite (Cloud based)? Awesome! Glad to hear that!
  9. Well, this is why I backup outside of my home. Fire HW Failure (on device I'm using as a backup drive). It's happened. Theft Oops.... -- Crashplan allows for unlimited revisions of files and keeps deleted files Access data anywhere Peace of mind
  10. Yeah - we've disabled new logins since we are taking down that site. The software we were using (OSQA) is no longer supported so we are going to be migrating it to a platform similar to Windows10Forum.com. Great question however.
  11. Yeah you bet. So the way Crashplan works is, it has a FREE version and a PAID version. The FREE Version allows you to use the Backup Software to backup your Computer to either another hard drive (external or even another internal drive) OR, another computer running Crashplan. So, in my example, I have a Laptop in my Kitchen the kids use. They do play/school work on it. The drive is about 256GB. I use the free version of Crashplan on it and I back it up to my Tower PC I have in the garage which is also running Crashplan (Old HP running a pair of 3TB External Drives). I also have an MB Air which I have Crashplan running on. It also backs up to my box in the Garage. Now, on my Garage PC, I have the PAID version of Crashplan. This allows me to Backup all the DATA from all my other systems up into the Crashplan Cloud. Crashplan allows for unlimited storage so, it's the perfect setup. I'm backed up fully on all systems. Make sense?
  12. Crashplan user for YEARS. I love it. I backup all my PC's at home to a single box (FREE), then backup that box to the Crashplan cloud. No complaints. If you end up giving Backblaze a shot, let us know how it ends up.
  13. Here's the latest. Just sent this over to your support team: Hi
  14. Thanks @Simon Thorpe - Appreciate the personal follow-up. The editing team @ groovyPost are fans of Authy. This is the first time I've run into issues over the past..... 2 years? Nothing on my side has changed so this has been a bit funky. I've contacted support and they gave me a few things to try: I've not had time to try the fix. Will do it now. -S
  15. Over the past several days, my Two Factor Authentication client has been giving me issues. On both my Windows 10 and Mac laptops, Authy asks me to enter my Master Password. After I enter it correctly it asks me again and again. After the second or third time I get the following error message: Here's a screenshot: From this I can't log in. I've tried to install and uninstall the Chome Addon / Extention however, no love... Anyone else having similar issues the last few days? I'm running Chrome Version 50.0.2661.86 (64-bit) on my Mac.
  16. QUICK TIP This morning when I was trying to login to email, I found that none of my Authy codes were working. Turns out my box was two minutes ahead of all my other devices. Restarted the TIME service and the clock is back in sync and everything is happy. Just something to keep in mind if you ever have Two Factor Authentication issues with Google Authenticator or Authy. -S
  17. OK - i'll get the update and play with it. I'll have to test on a few test systems also. CCLeaner ehh...? That sounds Article worthy - How to uninstall and reinstall Edge.
  18. First - Welcome to the forum @bbrennerxx! Now to your question -- no, that is NOT normal. 700 Gigs.... wow that's a little crazy. Some of us lost 20-40gigs but not 700. First thing I would do is look in all the obvious places. Read this article as @Brian explains where Windows likes to store a bunch of temp files: http://www.groovypost.com/howto/get-drive-space-after-windows-10-update/ http://www.groovypost.com/howto/delete-restore-points-windows-10-reclaim-disk-space/ Next, I would try to figure out if you have other files you don't need which you can delete. The best way to find Drive hogging files and folders is to use one of these two free tools. Both are great and I've been using them for years. Hard Drive Disk Space Mapping Tools: http://www.groovypost.com/howto/microsoft/vista/easily-report-hard-drive-utilization-for-windows-machines/ http://www.groovypost.com/howto/reviews/windirstat-file-tracker-review/ Either will do the job. Both are safe to use. Keep us updated!
  19. Yeah, I get the context menu when I initially COPY it however, if I open a new TAB and Right-Click again, I only get the UNDO command in the context menu. Did you try to paste into an app OTHER than MS Edge?
  20. That's pretty much what my kids would tell you also. @Brian I'm really only watching a few things on TV: Elementary (CBS via Netflix DVD's...) Sherlock (BBC/PBS) The Tonight Show / Jimmy Fallon (Hulu) My kids on the other hand, yeah -- Netflix everything...
  21. I'm having a very odd issue..... When using Edge, I'm not able to COPY the URL and PASTE it into another app. It's like the clipboard is disabled for the address bar. And yes, I tried Right Click Copy and Paste as well as CTRL+C and CTRL+V @Brian..... Can someone else test this? Does it work for you?
  22. The NUC is an awesome. We install these behind several of our TV's at work for a simple conference room solution. They really work great. Performance is fantastic. Highly recommend these.
  23. Ya never know, Disk errors could be the issue. Is your computer doing/reporting something that makes you think it might be your disk? A few things you can check -- first, run EVENTVWR and look in the SYSTEM look. If you have a drive issue, you should be able to see disk errors in the System log. Another option is to just run a scan of your disk to look for issues -- chkdsk /r Here's a good article from AskLeo that talks about Chkdsk and should help you through it.
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