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error 0x80070057 windows 10 update to version 1709

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I have tried anything to update my PC (Dell Studio XPS, Windows 10 pro, version 1607) to Windows 10 version 1709 with no success.

I always get error 0x80070057 at the end. I have tried all solutions I could find on internet. For example:

1. changing register values (e.g. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\SystemCertificates into CopyFileBufferedSynchronousIo with value 1)

2. renaming or deleting folder /Windows/SoftwareDistribution

3. performed a clean startup of Windows

4. scanned the PC on several problems with sfc (nothing found)

5. checked all drivers for potential problems (nothing found)

6. disabled specific anti-virus software and firewall software (i.e. ESET Security)

7. runned Windows Update troubleshooter (could not fix anything)

8. etc etc

Does any of you have other suggestions for me? The problem seen insolvable. 

I do not want to reinstall Windows 10 from scratch.


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