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YouTube videos not working

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It seems like ever since Windows 10 did updates, now half of the videos I try to watch in YouTube are not working. The screen is black but audio is working. If I try it in Internet Explorer, they work, but not in Google Chrome.

Can anyone please tell me what to do to fix this problem please? I already tried re-installing Google Chrome, but that did not help. Even if I am on Facebook, many of the videos on other people's facebook page will just be a black rectangle to me.

Also, I noticed when I go to my Natwest account the page will be there but then I click the log in button and I get a 'This site cannot be found' page. So again, I go try it in Internet Explorer and it works.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Brian, 

I got it working properly again the other day. I think what I wound up doing was to bring up my Task Manager by doing control/alt/delete. 

Then I clicekd the processes tab; and located Windows Explorer. I right clciked on that and then chicked 'restart'. And it was restarting that which made it start working one again.

If I remember right, tht also got my volume control working again too. It was there, but not responding. This stuff seems to happen now whenever Windows does an update, for some reason.

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