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Win 10 won't boot up anymore


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I used to have dual boot separate hard drives the win 10 on SSD and the Win 7 on a 500gb. Yesterday I started getting some freezing and when I looked at ctrl alt delete I saw Acresso Soft Manager front and center so I went in win 7 erased some files involving the soft one in Prefetch on in Program Data, restarted and boom win 10 goes to repair. I tied all the chkdisk, diskpart, bootrec, bcdedit tricks in the book. I cannot for the life of me figure this out, and I know it can be done apparently I am set up with an MBR not GPT so no EFI partition. Included is a picture of the Disk Manager setup. Thanks in advance


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It looks like you may have done some of these things, but here are a few articles that might help:



Are you using Nuance PDF Reader by any chance? 

Let us know if you've made any progress so far


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