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Win 10 1709 problems


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I need some help regarding windows 10 1709.
I don't know if people noticed this or not or they are happy whatever lousy changes Microsoft does to windows and people accept it as Bible. 1709 did some utterly absurd changes which had no reason and logic and gave a horrible appearance but i never heard people complaining about it. I wanted to know if there is any way to solve them?

1. (I use mostly tile view in my computer, explorer and drives and as well as in partitions showing my data). There is a gap on left end side of icon. Before that the icon used to be at the left border of selection area but now it is somewhat centralized. This results in text viewing problem. The text which was completely readable for files in tile view, is now cut off from the end because the icon and the text has been moved more to right side than before. Is there any way to move the icons to their default position as before? (i have attached snapshot to make you understand this. The yellow rectangle is the main part and blue rectangle is the problem which i am asking).

2. The action center quick toggles has now a thick border which previously had a border of max 1-2px but now it is quite thick and it looks hideous. Windows 10 was all with thin borders and i thought windows have come a long way from being bordered to become border-less. Can this border be removed? (screenshot attached.The yellow rectangle is the main part and blue rectangle is the problem which i am asking).

2017-12-09 15 23 08.jpg

2017-12-09 15 23 12.jpg

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7 hours ago, Steve K. said:

Is this not the same issue here:

Thought you already fixed it? 

More details here: https://www.groovypost.com/howto/make-windows-10-highlight-underline-menu-shortcut-keys/

No, they were a separate query and this new thread is a new thing. Previous one was more related to underlines but this one is more for icon spacing. 

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