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Excited to be here!


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I'm so excited to become a member of your forum! I have found you via discovering @andre when reading a Microsoft Windows 10 forum post response he made, which included this information: https://www.groovypost.com/howto/prepare-computer-windows-10-creators-update-version-1703/. I was over-the-moon excited about his expert response, I went on to read about him in his bio, that is where I found GroovyPost. It didn't take long and I subscribed to the "Daily Tech Update" newsletter which I get via email every day. I am so impressed with the wealth of information all of you provide! Impactful information and tutorials, along with fun goodies like your newsletter today about AmazonBasics Products.

I love computers, with a few in my collection. On a daily basis I work on an ASUS gaming laptop which was built in 2009 loaded with Windows 7. The good news...I took advantage of the Windows 10 upgrade and this ol laptop has purred along with every update! Just a couple of days ago I received and installed the 1709 Fall Creators Update. A few interesting changes, however, so far nothing that I have not been able to deal with. 

I look forward to being a part of your forum . Thank you.

softeyes :)


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