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Toshiba A135

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On 10/15/2017 at 7:55 AM, pcdaycare4u said:

toshiba A135 that was working without issues until a 1703 update came

Hi @pcdaycare4u - If I were you, I would head over to the Toshiba Driver Site - http://support.toshiba.com/drivers, type in your computer make/model and grab the latest BIOS. This can be key with Windows 10 updates.

That said... not all Hardware will be supported and now that 1709 is released, you might want to just skip 1703 and go direct with 1709. 

@andre just posted a blog article which lists Toshiba as supporting 1709 however, you will need to get the latest updates first and go from there.... keep us updated what works for you please!


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