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Edge will not boot up fully


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Recently my Microsoft Edge browser just refuses to boot up fully.

When started i get the basic browser window up but almost all white,it hangs for about 30 secs and then shuts down/disappears.

I have tried every known remedy i can find on the web but nothing seems to work so before i reached suicide level i have just given up now and using Google.

It is a shame as i was just beging to warm to using Edge as when it works it is very good now.

Why oh why Microsoft don't allow you to download and reinstall the programme as you have been able to do on all previous browsers i don't know as it would save a lot of fristration and failures.

If anyone has any bright ideas it would be appreciated as i would love to use Edge again.

Thanks in hope

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  • 3 weeks later...
4 hours ago, Steve K. said:

When you say it won't "boot", do you mean it won't open? 

Is IE still working?

You can try to reset Edge: https://www.groovypost.com/howto/reset-microsoft-edge-default-settings/

Let me know if that fixes it.

Hi Steve,

Half opens to a white screen then after about 30 secs closes.

Had tried every known fix and nothing worked then i suddenly read in my fortnightly mag on a similar topic a reader had written in that he found that if he uninstalled Trusteer Rapport that he had installed on Edge it suddenly worked.

Now i had Rapport on my Edge install so i uninstalled it and hey presto Edge suddenly worked again lol.

It all started from the last big update so Microsoft must have decided they don't like Rapport all of a sudden. So after weeks of frustration I now have a working version of Edge again without

having to resort to suicide lol.

So anyone having similar trouble ignore all the internet solutions and i bet you have Rapport installed so if you have get rid of it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 7 months later...
1 hour ago, Michele said:

I hope that solves the problem Steve but now can you tell me how to get rid of Rapport.  I've tried to execute Uninstall/Change in Control Panel but it doesn't do it.


See if Rapport has an unistall option in its start menu i can't remember now if it has or not. I am sure i unistalled mine from the unistall options in Control Panel but if this does fail then go to this link http://www.trusteer.com/support/uninstall-troubleshooting  where once you have filled in your name and email you will get an email with a link to remove rapport.

Hope all works out ok.


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Thanks Robwin, Steve K. and all.

I finally got rid of Rapport and Edge now works again.  Shame on IBM!

At least 1 year ago I had the installation of Rapport recommended by my bank.  I installed it and it messed things up.  I removed it and I reported it to my bank and also told them they shouldn't make recommendations without first checking them out and that they should inform their source (IBM) not to propose such products.  Now it got installed again on my computer - I don't know how - and it wasted many hours of my time.  Maybe I should sue IBM for my loss of time and frustration!

Thanks again guys!

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  • 4 years later...

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