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How to Re-Map a local profile?


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I have a customized Windows 10 image built using audit mode (using the copyprofile true option in the sysprep file). The image deploys as expected, and every user has the same default profile that I configured on the image. My question is this: How, post deployment, can I now create a local account that can be used to update the default profile on the fly. In other words, if I want to make a change to the default account and have it propagate to all users who log in afterwards, how do I do it?

To give some context here, I have been able to do this on my Windows 7 images (created using the same method), by doing the following:

1. I create a local user. e.g. pcadmin
2. I login as that user to create the home folder/registry settings etc
3. I can then open the registry and go to HKLM\software\microsoft\windows nt\current version\profile list
4. I find the key for my new local account and then update the path to c:\users\default
5. I restart, and when I login as the new local account, I am mapped to c:\users\default. From that point forward, any changes I make in this account (desktop icons, browsers, shortcuts etc), are made to the default account, so every user who logs in afterwards will reap the results of my changes.

Obviously I have tried the above method in Windows 10, but it doesn't seem to work for me despite many attempts. Upon changing the path in the registry, any login attempt automatically signs out immediately. Is there another way to achieve what I want in Windows 10 Professional? Or can anyone verify that this should work?

Thanks for any help you can give!

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