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Question about MSN


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ON July 27, 2016 I switched to Windows 10 -- anyway it really didn't work --the store or Cortana, but since I didn't use/have it before thought ok what the hey as everything else worked ok  (after over 10 hours of on line support with MSN) anyway one day I wake up and Walla -- Cortana and everything else worked... ok I say well this AM I got up and apparently there was an upgrade on Win 10 and for some reason restart doesn't work on my pc --so I just shut it down and wait a moment and it starts back up... well this morning the time was wrong and I couldn't figure out how to correct it ... long story short -- #1 when asked to be transferred to someone In the United States - they tell me they can't do it (I thought that was a law) and I've been trying to contact MSN Hqtrs to no avail... but again After slamming down the phone on MSN I figured out how to set the clock.... but what gets me is these IDIOTS IN Butt Fleck Egypt told me my pc is not compatible with Win 10 and I should revert back to Win 7.... are they all crazy or what?  They now tell me that any future updates might not work on my pc  Help Please


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Hello and Welcome to windows10.help lucyfurferalcat.

I have yet to find a computer running either Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 that is incompatible with Windows 10 and I have upgraded at least fifty of them so far.

I wouldn't worry about future Windows updates, I'm sure they'll be fine.

Are you currently having any other issues with your Win 10 operating system?

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Could I suggest for a clean working windows 10 you try a clean install, you are entitled to do this and use your same id as you do now.  As stated above if your system ran on 7 it "should" be ok on 10, but there is no guarantee on this. Clean installs are always preferable to updates.

As far as Microsloth advising future updates may not work on your pc is concerned, their record to date with updates doesn't guarantee they'll work on any machine.

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