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I LOATHE gray text in Windows 10

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I have never joined a forum just to complain.  ClearType, contrast themes, larger font is not what I want.  I want to decide for myself the color of text.  I want black.  Don't take away my choices, Microsoft.  Don't tell me black is hard on my eyes.  GRAY is driving me nuts.  Everywhere the techs seem unwilling to say the truth: you must put up with gray.  I want black.  Then I want to enlarge it.  

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Hi @joyce Welcome to the forum. You may get more replies from other forum members latter. I sure you are aware of holding down CTRL and tapping + to enlarge and CTRL and tapping - to decrease the size of the text. Not sure about how to change it to black. I'll do some searching and get back if someone here doesn't answer.

PS It's alright to complain on this forum.xD

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Hi! @joyce I agree it should be simple, but I haven't found it yet. I never really thought about it before. Maybe another member will have some suggestions latter. I change the font when using notepad and that's easy, I can change it here. I can change colors, but the black doesn't seem to change that much!xD I can change to Trebuch and make it blacker here on the forum. I'll keep searching. Welcome to the forum!

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