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Windows Defender Doing The Job!


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Hi ShockerSH! I don't know where it came from. I had several pages open. I was here on the forum and had several other pages open. I got a flash pop up saying "Defender stopped  malicious malware" Or some thing similar to that!  I feel safe with WD and MBAM running in real time. I always have a back up image ready. That's the best defense you can have! I have heard that these Ransomeware threats are getting popular. Always a A-hole out there using the internet to scam people. Use safe surfing habits with WD and MBAM Pro and You should be good!

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For most average users Mbam Pro and WD is all you need. You know where you surf and the chances you take better than anyone and there are better paid soultions out there such as Emsisoft and Webroot, but what you do and your experirnce is all you need to determine  your needs.

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Hey Rich! Welcome to the forum! Be sure to visit the sister forum! Lots of good stuff there! Nothing better then MBAM Pro and using safe surfing habits!;)

IMHO Windows Defender has made a big improvement in their AV. Make sure you have a current back up of your OS and you'll be good to go!


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