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I have an HP Pavilion p390nr which I bought for 2 very lame reasons the touchscreen being 1 of them. Sadly since the roll out of the creators update last year my touchscreen stopped working, it still showed in the device manager however hidden it was there but after various attempts with Microsoft on the line or trying the other options of fix its others were doing the drivers flat disappeared and now when you go to Control Panel\System and Security\System it says no pen and touch available for this display. I literally have no clue which way to go on this mess oh ya and in all the "fix it's" I've lost my Microsoft account 'live' attached to my one drive that I had every photo & over 20,000 songs my kids entire 20yrs my deceased horse no joke everything backed up to GONE no way to retrieve. failed factory reset everything tried messes this laptop up more pretty soon I'm going to own very expensive & ugly paper weight???

Please the media created a purchase is worthless as apparently this laptop has to have its BIOS adjusted to use media from cd or something stupid I don't know it's not like any of the companies come with owners manuals apparently when your laptop goes down you're expected to have another one so you can hop online and look up what to do! I'm sorry I cry and get angry every time I have to try to figure this out because I had just scanned all the photos of my deceased mother for safe keeping and was so glad I did as I live in the area of the Thomas fires she was killed when I was 4 that was 40yrs ago and now I have NOTHING of her if there is anyway to retrieve my pc and my photos please I would forever be in your debt

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