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I installed window update and have problems with my Officejet 8040 printer.

I have uninstalled printer and installed again, did all the suggested clean up.  My problem is that I can not printer in

color and the properties shows that the photo tray was not installed.  See attached photos:

Printer had no problems before update.  I need an answer please.

Printer error.jpg

printer 2.jpg

printer 3.jpg

printer 4.jpg

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  • 1 year later...

For better clarity and to assist you better I would require more information regarding this:

- Did this happen after a software or windows update?
- Did you reset the browser and check?
- Did you try with a different browser to isolate the issue further?


Uninstall the printer from "programs and features" which can be accessed by doing a right-click on the Windows button (Please have the printer Off and disconnected during uninstallation.)

  1. Check in device manager, if the printer is listed there, please delete it. (Right-click on the Windows button to access device manager)
  2. Go to devices and printers, select any printer listed there and you will get some options on the top.
  3. Click on print server properties.
  4. You will get a popup, click on the drivers tab and delete all the HP printer drivers listed there if any.
  5. Delete all the instances of your printer listed in devices and printers.
  6. Restart the PC.
  7. Once the PC is on the desktop, press Win + R, it would bring a Run dialog box,
  8. Type %temp% in the run box and click Ok or hit the Enter button.
  9. It would bring up the temporary files folder. Delete the files in the folder (You might not be able to delete all the files).
  10. If possible, delete the printer from the registries using Regedit
  11. Ignore the Regedit option if it cannot be done.
  12. Restart the PC again.

Then download the latest full feature driver for your desired printer from the Web.

This should help solve the problem being faced.
Hope this helps you out.

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