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Login password after upgrade to 1803 not recognized

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I installed the update from 1709 to 1803 yesterday and have been unable to get windows login to recognize my password. I tried entering older passwords for window with no success. If I click on the 'accessibility' icon to use the onscreen keyboard, the screen freezes and  have to reboot.

System currently unusable, this from my laptop. Also: I have the HP EliteDesk and had been having trouble booting to BIOS for months now. Not part of the current problem.

Unfortunately, I made a recovery disk a few months ago, but after cleanup, I am unable to find it. 

Any ideas about where I go from here?

Kem England

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I'm sorry to hear that you are experiencing problems with your Windows 10 update. Based on the information you provided, it seems that you are unable to login to Windows 10 after updating from version 1709 to 1803, and that using the on-screen keyboard freezes the screen.

Here are some steps you can try to resolve this issue:

Boot your computer into Safe Mode:
Restart your computer and press the F8 key repeatedly before Windows starts to load.
In the Advanced Boot Options menu, select "Safe Mode" and press Enter.
Try to login to Windows using your password:
Once in Safe Mode, try logging in to your account using your password.
If you are still unable to login, try using an Administrator account, if available.
Reset your password:
If you are still unable to login, you can try resetting your password using a Microsoft account or a password reset disk.
To reset your password using a Microsoft account, go to the Microsoft password reset page and follow the instructions.
To reset your password using a password reset disk, connect the disk to your computer and follow the prompts to reset your password.


Rachel Gomez

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