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Get the Start Screen Back

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When you install Windows 10 it knows the type of system you're installing it on i.e, a traditional laptop or desktop, or a tablet. Now, this is great news for users on traditional computers..we want the desktop, and not deal with the convoluted Start screen. But that is not how everyone feels. If you'd rather have the Start screen come up when hitting the Windows key instead of the new revamped Start menu, you can.

1 - Right-click the taskbar and select Properties. Then hit the Start Menu tab:

2 - And from there, uncheck the option to "Use the Start menu instead of the Start screen"

To make it happen you'll need to verify the action.

3 - After signing out and back in again, you'll still be brought straight to the desktop. However, when you hit the Windows Key the Start screen will display instead of the menu. Just like Windows 8 does!


I guess I don't know of too many people who want the Start screen over the new Start menu, but it can be done if you want.

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  • 6 months later...

My version of W10 does not have the option to check/uncheck use the start menu vs the start screen under the Start Menu. I am running build 9926. I guess I am one of those few who like the start screen. Also a lot of the options are blanked out esp the corner options on the Navigation tab. What am I not seeing or doing?

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