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how to untar/decompress....


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I am not very computer literate so please excuse me if this is in the wrong forum or is simply stupid. I have been attempting to download a file that is in .tar.gz format. I have tried about 10 programs but cannot get past the first step but have read that it can be done in Windows 10 which is what my computer has. Would some one be so kind as to explain what I have to do.  Thank you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, from the last time I posted is 10 days and I've been working about 5-6 hours a day but still failed to figure anything out!  Below are some I would like to have opened. Most were .tar.gz however I did manage to get them into .kmz format.

On a side note, here is what I've been attempting to download. https://maps.ngdc.noaa.gov/viewers/northeast_ocm/   I need the area off Ocean City, Md, north to just above the De state line and south to just above the Va. state line.  When you go to this site, please click out of everything and then click onto BAG Color Shaded Relief Imagery.  Also these will be in .tar.gz format and will also need to be uncompressed.   Thank you.




ngdc_order_2018-02-15T14_10_00.349Z (1).tar.gz

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well I am still at it. I downloaded 7-Zip and have 3 emails containing the info I want. The directions on how to untarr/decompress say to double click on the info I want to view. I did that but all I get is a small window which does not say much. I am double clicking while these 3 are still inside my mailbox. Can anyone help?  Thank you, Bob

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Another 8 hrs in today on this job!  I can get to where Squid's first post is saying to run as Administrator. I can not find any button to click for Administrator. On the right of his post is a window framed in green.  It says Options at the top. Everything on my puter is as on the picture but I can click any button and nothing happens! Can a person really view anything in these type of files or is it a big hoax?   Thank you, Bob   

Here is a file I've been trying to open    ngdc_order_2018-03-08T18_27_45.085Z.tar.gz

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  • 1 month later...

It's now April 9th and I have been working on this nearly every day since the last time I posted.  I don't believe there is a way to open stuff in a .tar.gz format. Anyways, I am just keeping you all informed on my progress.  Thanks again, Bob

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  • 2 months later...
On 2/4/2018 at 1:30 AM, Squid said:

And then explain to you how it was done

Hi @hippie

If you're running Windows, just go and download 7-Zip. https://www.7-zip.org/

Once you do that, you should be able to open File explorer, Right-Click on the file you want to decompress, 7-Zip should be in the context menu, select  Extract files. 

Hopefully this helps. 

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