Well, from the last time I posted is 10 days and I've been working about 5-6 hours a day but still failed to figure anything out! Below are some I would like to have opened. Most were .tar.gz however I did manage to get them into .kmz format.
On a side note, here is what I've been attempting to download. https://maps.ngdc.noaa.gov/viewers/northeast_ocm/ I need the area off Ocean City, Md, north to just above the De state line and south to just above the Va. state line. When you go to this site, please click out of everything and then click onto BAG Color Shaded Relief Imagery. Also these will be in .tar.gz format and will also need to be uncompressed. Thank you.
ngdc_order_2018-02-15T14_10_00.349Z (1).tar.gz