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'Restart' function ceased after replacement motherboard!


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Hi, everyone, I hope someone out there can help a very frustrated old fart . . . . .

I had to send my 1 yr old laptop back to the tailor-made builders here in UK and they replaced the motherboard and upated the BIOS.   All was well for a few days and then I had to perform a restart after a glitch with my email client.    

Restart resulted in the screen logo, then about 2 secs. of the wirling dots, then nothing!!   Black screen and no response.   Had to shut down and then start up again.   Tried it again, same result.  

Contacted PC company - 'nothing to do with our hardware, must be Win 10 . . . . .'  very helpful . . . . .  

Nothing on the web anywhere about this and MS Answer Desk could not be understood [we don't come across Pacific accents here and they are v. hard to understand, unfortunately].  

Can anyone suggest a fix, please? 

Yours in hope . . . . 

Cheers, Tsunchke






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I always go back to "What changed". And that change was the motherboard...

The problem is, if you ask the PC tech to fix it, he will probably just say - reinstall Windows and see if that fixes it. If not, will replace the MB again.

So - that's probably your next step. I would probably do a System Restore as a first option before running a "Reset this PC" from Settings > Recovery menu.

Keep us updated!

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