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I guess I haven't seen that happen before. But Windows 10 comes with a built-in antivirus and anti-malware program called Windows Defender, and running two antivirus programs at the same time is a horrible idea and ends up breaking things and causing more problems than it's worth.

Maybe, because of that Windows does turn it off when you install it. I will check into this though.

You should be able to go in and disable Windows Defender and then turn on Mcafee if you want though.

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Thanks. McAfee is a PITA. However I have used it for years so my first instinct is to go with it. I have never had this problem before. Unique to 10?? Is defender to be viewed as a complete Virus system? My trial system uses a AMD processor and isn't the fastest in the world. I press on.

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Yes, Windows Defender is the full deal -- Antivirus, spyware, and malware in general. Since it first came out as Microsoft Security Essentials, its all I have used. But if you don't know what you're doing or have other people who use your computer, you might want to use something else.

Here is an awesome site that compares the effectiveness of popular antivirus programs:


Here is the main page of AV-Comparatives:


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