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Black screen of death, constant

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I have dealt with the BlackScreenOfDeath frequently enough since I upgraded to Windows 10, a move I seriously regret.  

After the initial installation, there was a display adapter driver issue, which was resolved shortly after the upgrade.

Occasionally I would reboot and have the BSOD reappear.  I would reboot once or twice more and would be able to get to my desktop without any problems.

Thursday, it happened again.  Only this time, I cannot get to my desktop.  I have attempted to reboot many many times and always get the BSOD.  With the blinking cursor.    I googled and tried multiple remedies, none have worked.

I tried to update the driver, and was told I had the latest.

I disabled the display adapter, while in safe mode, and rebooted.  No luck.

I uninstalled the display adapter, while in safe mode, and rebooted.  No luck.

I unplugged all devices (audio, USB hubs, mouse, keyboard) and rebooted.  No luck.

I seriously don't know what else to do.  I'm no computer dummy, but am certainly no expert.  I amthisclose to taking the computer, placing it in the driveway, and running back and forth over it.   I have seen hints about creating a new user, but don't know how to do that.  

Right now I'm working in Safe Mode, which really sucks, since I cannot access my Excel files.  I am getting some nonsense about not being able to verify the license for the app.  SMH.

It's a Dell Inspiron One 2320-2678MS Desktop, touch screen,  Windows 10 Home, 64 bit.  I believe it had Windows 7 pre-installed.  06/2012.

Any help and advice would be GREATLY appreciated.


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FINALLY got the darn thing to boot.  Tried countless attempts from various hints and tips, and nothing worked.

I managed to get into the System Restore area, something I had attempted but failed at, but this time, it let me.  

The first and constant BSOD occurred on 07/20/17.  I did a restore to 07/09/17 and I was able to login normally.  Honestly, I don't know what changed since then; I don't really update or install much, but I will have to be careful from now on.

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