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Corrupted Windows 10

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Last week my system went through an update and I was caught in a boot loop.  After calling Acer and having them walk me through an attempt to restore the system, they determined my Windows 10 must be corrupt and sent me a USB file to restore from.

When I was trying to restore from the computer it gave me the option to save my files during the restore.  However, the USB restore isn't giving me that option.  How can I get my files pulled off the hard drive before I do the factory reset?  This is a computer for a non-profit company so I'd rather not have to spend the money to have a computer guy remove the hard drive to pull off the files.  Is there a way I can access the HD in boot mode or safe mode or something that will let me copy to a USB for right now?

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  • 2 months later...

I recommend you perform a custom install.

Configure your BIOS to boot from the USB thumb drive:


The Windows logo will appear on screen, this might be here for a while, as long as you see the indicater, everything should be ok.

Select your Language, Time and Keyboard method then click Next.

Click Install now

Wait while Setup starts.

Accept the license terms then click Next

Click Custom

Select the Primary Partition then click Next

You will receive the following warning:

The partition you selected might contain files from a previous Windows Installation. If it does, these files and folders will be moved to a folder named Windows.old. You will be able to access the information in Windows.old, but you will be able to use your previous version of Windows.



Click OK

Wait while Windows installs


You can then recover your files from the Windows.old folder.

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